Chapter 10

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Nobody's pov

"Mother?" Espresso whispered shocked.

Doppia stared at Espresso in shock, her body rigid and unable to speak. Latte looked back and force between them and time seemed to drag on. Finally, Latte broke the silence.

"I'm sorry, but what?" Latte exclaimed, her eyes practically popping out, "That's impossible! MY BROTHER DIED YEARS AGO!"

She screamed the last part, and took a short breath before turning to Doppia, "WHAT THE FUCK DOES HE MEAN MOTHER?!"

"I-I I uh," Doppia stuttered, glancing at Espresso, "What are you doing here?"

"What do you mean by that?!" Espresso shouted, "What, did you want me to be dead?"

"What, of course not! no no no, you got it all wrong," Doppia stammered, "Heheh, let me explain!"

"Then come on! Explain!" Latte hollered, taking a step forward, "Are you saying he is my brother?!"

"Where were you all this time?!" Espresso cried.

Doppia went and sat down on the sofa, along with Latte at the other side. Espresso chose a cushion instead, opposite to the two.

"Indeed, you guys are siblings," Doppia admitted, receiving gasps from the pair, "When you both were younger, we decided to go on uhm a camping trip! We were coming back when we passed by a village. We stopped to rest since both of you were extremely tired, as you both were quite young. That night when we were sleeping, a battle broke out. We got caught in it, and I tried to escape with both of you, but when I went back for Espresso I couldn't find him. I tried my best but had to leave you as the roof of the in was about to cave in."

"May I ask why? Why couldn't you carry both of us?" Espresso asked, his voice filled with sadness.

"I'm so sorry my darlings," Doppia replied regretfully, "It was dark and I couldn't see well. I grabbed Latte since she was closest to me and I panicked. I didn't mean to my dear. I regret it so much, I can never forgive myself."

"I got found by the cookies of darkness! My life has been horrible, and filled with terror!" Espresso yelled, tears forming.

"When Espresso was still here, you always slept with me!" Latte said anger in her voice, "I could tell you would favorited me, so don't pretend."

"I regret my actions dearly, I'm so sorry," Doppia sobbed, "You may not forgive me, I don't myself, but please give me one more chance to be your mother Espresso."

"I-" Espresso murmured looking down, "I suppose I'll have to see."

With that, he stood up and left the house. He didn't say goodbye to any of them. A tear slid down his eyes, and he wiped it away. He tried not to cry, but he couldn't. He slowly started crying again, the tears forming bigger and splashing onto the ground. When he left it had just begun to start raining and he had no umbrella. His face was splotched in tears mixed with rain, and he was drenched in rain as well.

Espresso just couldn't stop crying. He tried and told himself to stop being useless, a crybaby, but he couldn't. He was angry at himself, at his mother, at the world for its unfairness. He was so lost in thought he didn't notice where he was going and so he crashed straight into someone. He sniffed and looked up to sky blue eyes and blond hair. Madeleine. Espresso bit his lips. He didn't want to look weak and helpless to the knight. Pathetic.

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