Chapter 27

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Madeleine's Pov

My head hurt terribly, and my body ached all over. Especially my back, which felt like 1000 sharp needles were poking at it. Maybe if I keep shutting my eyes, the pain will eventually go away.

Wait no! I can't do that. I'm a knight, a follower of the divine! I can't be cowardly. Wait, I was fighting a load of cake hounds in order to rescue Espresso, and then... CRAP. The last thing I remember was Red Velvet slashing his large saw weapon at my back, completely breaking my armor and then he continued to knock me out. My beautiful armor is ruined and not even on me! I can't feel the radiance on me nor the radiance of my sword by me.

I failed Espresso.. and got kidnapped. What happened to Latte and the others?! It's alright. The divine will help me.

"If you're shutting your eyes on purpose, you BETTER open them. Otherwise, WAKE THE FUCK UP!" An impatient and ticked-off voice hissed into my ears.

My eyes fluttered open to see Pomegranatye angrily standing inches in front of me with her arms crossed. Instinctively I backed up as much as I could until I backed into what seemed like a wall.

"D-don't come closer.. or I will have to fight!" I threatened aimlessly.

"I'm not here to fight, just to talk," She said, stepping closer. 

"Talk from back there!"

"I need help," she said, ignoring me.

"I won't help evil cookies!" I whisper-yelled due to the fact that her voice and everything around us were oddly quiet and still.

"You already kidnapped Espresso," I continued furiously, "Well, I'll get him back from your cruel grasps! Even Red Velvet who I thought was trustworthy isn't! I thought he was kind, but now, he knocked me out and then kidnapped me! By the divines-"

I stopped my rant to take a breath and tried to calm my breathing. I watched her reaction carefully, was she going to hypnotize me, or chuck the nearby scarlet red vase at my head? To my surprise, she burst into tears. What the heck was happening? She never showed fear or this kind of emotion during battles we fought in. She never smiled either according to Espresso.

I couldn't help myself as I got up from the floor and gave her a hug. It's just what I do. I help cookies in need and cheer cookies up when they're down.

"I'm sorry! What do you need help with?!" I asked, panicked.

I hate seeing cookies cry, especially when I was the cause. I let go of her and backed up from her, as she stumbled and dropped herself onto her bed.

"I can't help destroy any cookies, but I can do other stuff?" I tried, "Like I can get you new furniture or food?"

I probably would have continued listing things but the silence pressed onto me and I waited for her answer uncomfortably. She continued hiccuping and crying, and I just wanted to hug her but that wouldn't help her. I had to wait for her to calm down.

"He's not trustworthy or evil," Pomergantae said under her breath finally.

"What?" I asked confused.

"He's not like that!" She yelled nearly making me jump.

"Calm down, who isn't like that?" I questioned, inching closer, "I can't help if you aren't specific."

"Red Velvet... Red Velvet isn't himself," She stated, clouding my confusion even more.

"What do you mean?" I asked cautiously, "Did something happen."

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