Chapter 6

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Espresso's pov

"Well make yourself at home!" Cherry Blossom sang as she shut her front door and locking it, "I'm going to prepare some more tea!"

"No thanks," I replied simply, "Tea makes me quite sleepy you see."

"More tea won't do any harm!" She reassured as she poured some more tea into a cup that was on the nearby table.

I suddenly had the urge to fling open the door and run... or tear myself or this girl to peaces.This girl dressed from head to toe in pink gave off bad vibes. Tea? Picnics? Manners? The whole way to her house she asked questions and kept "correcting" me. If I swore, she reminds me of my manners. If I declined something, she would insist and say it's rude. If I tried to leave, she would start sniffling and act all said. I knew that everyone would look at me in disgust and take her side. 

However, now that I was in her house, I could leave whenever I wanted as no one was here. She may stop me though with that pink umbrella of hers though.

"Uh- Please excuse me, I would like to use the washroom," I mumbled and turned around to the exit. 

"Hold on dear! The bathroom's that way," she smiled sweetly and pointed in the opposite direction.

"Oh ok," I said, "Thank you for imforming me."

I quickly walked to the bathroom door and locked it. There goes my plan to walk out. Actually, was I stupid? I could just dash out. Screw my manners that were forced into me during my time with the cookies of darkness.

 I cleaned myself up as slow as I could before opening the door to find Cherry Blossom staring at the door all creepy like outside. I jerked back in suprise, what the hell?

"Come on now! The tea may get cold," she said and grabbed my wrist forcefully.

"Could I possibly just exit? I don't wish for tea right now..." I said, a bit harsher than I expected to.

I snapped my hand back and her expression twisted into something unreadable.

I want to set her hair on fire-

"Uhhh no you can't. Just one sip of the tea at least!" she pouted, "then you can go~"

I entered into her dining room reluctantly. One sip right? Not that bad, but noo, it is.

I sat down at her light pink table with cream chairs and eyed the tea suspiciously. My looked slightly more of a pinkish color than hers, or was it due to the sunlight?  It looks like a love potion... but was I just overeacting? 

There's no way I was correct. There was no way this girl liked me, I was practically the exact opposite of her. Must I mention, my reputation isn't the best and she corrects me on practically everything. Unless she thought it would be easy to trick someone like me since everyone would just take her side and she can't get anyone else to go to a tea party with her?

Why would I think of that conclusion?

I needed to leave. 

"May I drink your cup of tea instead?" I asked innocently.

She smiled but said impatiently, "Sorry but your cup is the guest cup. Now dear, drink up, now!"

"Oh by the way, I have a boyfriend," I said casually, "since your're my friend you should meet him."

"Oh?" she said, "I don't think I should."

Her eyes examined me up and down as if she didn't believe me and I was lying. Although, technically I was lying just to get out of here. If I could just distract her I can run the to the Sparkling's bar which is nearby and find some random person there that will kiss me out of nowhere. Easier said than done.

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