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   "what do i do?" minhyung asked, placing two bowls of chips and snacks onto the table. jeno went for the jellies while jaemin thought about it. "you should just be honest with him. there's no point beating around the bush," he decided.

   minhyung groaned, "i can't just tell him i like him. i'm not like you guys. i like him and he probably hates me." "i would hate you too if i were him," jeno muttered. jaemin shot him and glare while minhyung sighed. "you're not helping jen," he said, running his hands through his hair. then he straightened himself out, "you're right though."

   jeno rolled his eyes as if that were the most obvious thing in the whole world, "don't just think about it, do something about it." minhyung grabbed a chip and chewed slowly, stalling.

   when he finally swallowed, he looked up towards jaemin, the one who was somewhat skilled in this area. "how would i ask him out?"

   jaemin stood up from where he originally sat on the floor. he dusted off invisible crumbs from his lap and stretched. "i won't do the work for you, minhyung, but you have to know what he likes at least." minhyung nodded in thought, before smiling, "he loves art. i see him drawing during break often."

   "wasn't there a new art thingy release not too long ago?" jeno asked, reaching for more jellies. jaemin snapped, pointing towards his boyfriend in approval, "that's right. what was it called again?" "kukje gallery," minhyung answered instead, gaining both of their attention, "it's in insa-dong. that's downtown seoul."

   jaemin smiled, clearly satisfied. "looks like you have a date to get to."


if you pay attention to detail, you'll see where this story is going far sooner than anyone else

✎ ---- dreaminghyuck⤾

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