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   "i can't believe we're actually here," donghyuck gushed after he and minhyung paid for their taxi and watched it drive off. "i can't believe you wore flip-flops all the way here," minhyung shook his head in disbelief. "hush," donghyuck smirked, pressing a finger against minhyung's lips.

   they walked down the beack together towards their friends who had arrived ahead of time in order to set things up. surprisingly, the tents were properly raised, and the grill was assembled. "i'm impressed you guys," minhyung acknowledged their efforts. "it was all renjun, honestly," jaemin admitted. minhyung and donghyuck shared a look of surprise but pleasure before thanking the chinese male briefly. 

   "are we gonna start eating guys? i'm hungry," jeno mentioned at some point when everyone sat around, lost in conversation. the prepped vegetables and meat were left momentarily forgotten about until that moment. apparently that was all it took before the rest of the bous realized how hungry they were too, and soon smoke and delicious scents were wafting from the center of their set up.

   "did you know jaemin could cook this well?" donghyuck asked minhyung after his first serving of food. music played softly in the background from a radio that renjun brought. it set the mood just right as the atmosphere was relaxed and warm. "nah, actually i had no clue," minhyung wrapped an arm around donghyuck's waist, pulling him closer. 

   jeno, jaemin, and renjun attended the food while donghyuck lazily sat with the birthday boy, watching from afar. "are you having a good day?" donghyuck asked. "mhm," minhyung hummed, pressing a quick kiss to his temple, "one of my best in years."

   "next time you won't doubt me or shut me down so quickly, will you?"

   "no promises."

   donghyuck raised his arm to gently slap minhyung's shoulder when the older suddenly attacked his sides, tickling him. "oh my god, stop!" he all but screamed. minhyung was merciless and comtinued until they had both fallen to the ground, practically rolling in the sand.

   "just because it's your birthday doesn't mean that i'll let you have your way, lee," donghyuck managed to get out before flipping them over so that he was straddling minhyung. the latter was taken aback, but anticipated what donghyuck would do next. 

   "you don't scare me, hyuck," minhyung provoked. the sun kissed male frowned before trying to make himself look at intimidating as possible. "why not?"

   "because i can do this," minhyung flipped them one more time, "whenever i want to." donghyuck flushed. the tension as well as their position was practically suffocating him. luckily, jaemin came to the rescue, interrupting whatever back and forth game they'd been playing. "i don't know what you guys are doing, but make up your mind if you're gonna fuck or not, because we're about to start the fireworks."

   minhyung rolled off of the younger immediately, their faces a matching shade of red. the canadian stood up first, dusting off his clothes before offering a hand to donghyuck without sparing him a glance. awkwardly he said, "let's go."

   it wasn't long before dancing lights and colors painted the sky, receiving ooohhs, and aahhhs from the friends present. it was told that jeno paid for the show since they didn't cost too much, and, "his bestfriend only gets one birthday a year."

   during the show while everyone was distracted, minhyung found the courage to whisper in donghyuck's ear a confession—and donghyuck found the courage to accept it.


only 30 minutes left on mark's birthday but i love him so much i absolutely cannot even explain it. happy 24 years to mark <3 (also this chalter wasn't satisfying but it has to do for now :c )

✎ ---- dreaminghyuck⤾

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