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   as donghyuck walked through the school gates, he kept his head low. what if the date had been a one time thing and minhyung was about to switch up on him? he wouldn't allow himself to be that vulnerable, instead opting to wait and see how minhyung would treat him before determining whether saturday was a mistake or not.

   still alone, he made his way to his locker. first period was math, and sadly none of his friends were in his class. he collected his books and exchanged them with one's he didn't need. then he headed to his classroom.

   walking through the hallway had to be donghyuck's least favorite part of the day. everyone was always in groups with their friends and donghyuck typically didn't see his friends until at least after second period. 

   he continued walking catiously, keeping an eye on the lookout for minhyung or his friends. he felt a little silly when he thought about it, but it was necessary. he never knew what could happen, and frankly, the uneventful morning was worse than days where he was bullied the moment he stepped inside the school facility. at least then he didn't have to be paranoid.

   he was nearly there when a hand suddenly yanked his arm, almost making him fall. luckily he didn't, but he found himself pulled into a small and dark janitor's closet instead. through the dark he made out a familiar face.

   "minhyung? wha-" he was cut off as the latter cupped donghyuck's face in his hands and connected their lips together. the sun kissed male's reaction speed was slow, but as soon as he processed everything he responded to the kiss. it was slow and sweet, and most importantly, it removed every bit of doubt the younger had.

   when they finally pulled away donghyuck smiled, "well good morning to you too, hyung."


nct dream x jonathon = chef's kiss

✎ ---- dreaminghyuck⤾

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