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   "hi," minhyung pulled donghyuck into his chest and kissed him softly. he pulled away after a few seconds to reveal a flustered donghyuck. "i love kissing you, but you have to stop doing that in the middle of the hallway," he mumbled, noting how everyone was staring straight at them.

   the older only smiled before dragging donghyuck away with him and out to the basketball court. "i haven't seen you all day," minhyung said, as if explaining his actions. "i came to school during lunch break," donghyuck shrugged. "i had a doctor's appointment this morning." he watched as minhyung's smile dropped and he cupped donghyuck face in his hands, "you're not sick are you?" the younger giggled and shook his head, "just a check up."

   minhyung pressed a kiss to his forehead in relief and picked up a stray ball near his feet. he dribbled a few times, bouncing the ball under his legs and behind his back. it was obvious that he was showing off for donghyuck. then he positioned himself as if he were about to shoot when he suddenly paused. "ah yeah... i almost forgot. i forgot a book in my backpack that i have to turn in today. can you grab it for me?"

   donghyuck squinted his eyes at the canadian. there was something very suspicious about what minhyung was asking. firstly; he very rarely asked donghyuck to do things for him as if he didn't want to give donghyuck extra tasks when he could do them himself. secondly; minhyung was a horrible liar. from the almost unnoticeable waver in his voice to the way he refused to meet donghyuck's eye, the whole request seemed strange. nevertheless, donghyuck walked over to minhyung's abandoned backpack on the ground and carefully unzipped the bag.

   he opened it and his mouth fell open. 

   there wasn't a library book in sight, but instead sat a new and flawless michael jackson vinyl.

   "hyung," donghyuck reached in, pulling it out and took a step back, "what is this?!" minhyung held the ball under his arm and walked over, "hm, i guess i forgot to tell you about his new album. it dropped last week." the boyish smile on his lips only stretched further when donghyuck gaped at him from a loss for words.

   "minhyung, what i-"

   "oh and it's called thriller."

   donghyuck punched his chest a few times, "you can't just make me pull this out of your bag and act like nothing happened! i don't understand." minhyung connected his hands behind his head, feigning ignorance, "what's there to not understand? his new album dropped, and i bought it for you."

   "shut up."

   minhyung made a gesture as if zipping his lips.

   "this is mine?!"

   minhyung nodded and then stopped. "oh wait, under one condition," he plucked the vinyl out of donghyuck's hands. "come over and listen to the whole thing with me. today." donghyuck smiled like a fool in love (which he was, but minhyung doesn't have to know that) and looped his arms around minhyung's waist, kissing him all over. 

   "i'll be there," he promised, finally pulling away. 

   "i have another gift for you," minhyung confessed. the sun kissed male shook his head in disbelief, "another one?" the blond dribbled the ball and stepped back on court.

   "donghyuck-ah," he called, "this is for you."

   the ball flew in the air, and reached the net before hitting the rim and ricocheting off of it. eventually, it landed back on the ground where it bounced a few times and slowly rolled away before coming to a full stop.

   minhyung watched in silence until the end, then turning to donghyuck and scratching the back of his head awkwardly. donghyuck rolled his eyes, unable to hide the smile on his face. he may be in love with an idiot, but at least he was his idiot.


that this is thriller, thriller night ~

✎ ---- dreaminghyuck⤾

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