☏ - 039

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   the album played again for the fourth time, but minhyung and donghyuck were too lost in their own world to care—and frankly to even notice. 

   "is this the real reason why you asked me to come over?" donghyuck asked while trailing every curve and crevasse on minhyung's face. he sat on the older's thighs, facing him with two warm hands on his waist. "maybe," minhyung smiled cheekily, pressing their lips together again

   at first donghyuck thought he was the one obsessed with minhyung's lips, but after two months of whatever this unlabeled relationship was, he knew minhyung was really the one who was more obsessed than him.

   slowly, donghyuck pulled himself away, "but we're just kissing? we always kiss." "should i make it different for you then?" minhyung raised his brows. the look on his face gave away how challenged he suddenly felt. donghyuck nodded innocently, curious to what the canadian had in mind while also feeling the adrenaline of anticipation in his veins.

   in one swift motion, donghyuck's back met the mattress, the sudden impact momentarily knocking the breath from his lungs. then suddenly his hands were pinned to the sides of his head, and minhyung was hovering over him almost mockingly. the look in his eyes caused donghyuck to blush.

   "what are you doing?" he whined, looking absolutely anywhere but at the male perched above him. "you said you wanted me to switch things up," minhyung pointed out, "and who am i to deny you?" without warning, he dived down and brushed his lips against donghyuck's jawline, moving to press a long kiss on his neck. minhyung had never kissed him like this, and now that he was, he didn't know how to react.

   minhyung looked up, his gaze completely different. "was that..." he trailed off, "was that okay?" how he managed to go from assertive and dominant to worried and adorable in a matter of seconds was a mystery to donghyuck. "yes," donghyuck smiled, "yes that was very okay." the blond's gaze softened even more if that's even possible—which it apparently is considering the way he just did it—and pressed a quick and gentle kiss to the younger's nose. 

   "shit," he cursed in english. "i really should've thought that through first." "speak in korean, i can't understand what you're saying," donghyuck frowned.

   the older chuckled nervously before lifting donghyuck's chin with his hands and brushing over the forming purple bruise with the pad of his thumb. "i think i accidentally gave you a hickey."

   donghyuck tensed briefly but then relaxed, "that's actually okay, i have nothing to hide. i want people to know i'm yours anyway." minhyung's eyes widened in surprise. "you're mine?" donghyuck giggled, almost taken aback by the older's shock. "of course i'm yours. who else's would i be?" minhyung shook his head, "i haven't even asked to make things official yet." 

   gosh, this boy was dense.

   the sun kissed male rolled his eyes at the other's oblivion. "i don't care about that, hyung. we don't need a title for that to be true, because i already decided to be loyal to you until the moment you don't want me anymore," his voice grew quiet, "...and i'm starting to think i'll always want you still."

   another dumbstruck grin broke out across minhyung's face. he just couldn't stop smiling today.


not satisfied but it's currently 8:21am, i spent an embarrassingly long time writing these 500 words, and i'm ready to sleep for a couple of hours <3

✎ ---- dreaminghyuck⤾

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