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   "dammit! that kid keeps taking hyuck away from me," minhyung cursed as he stared at renjun and donghyuck talking happily amongst themselves in the library. "to be fair, he was never yours anyway," jeno admitted. minhyung turned to glare at him. "maybe he wasn't mine, but at least people knew not to mess with him unless i said to."

   jaemin and jeno shared a glance as minhyung balled his hands into fists. it was taking everything in him to not run over and snatch donghyuck away. "minhyung," jaemin warned. the blonde rolled his eyes and fixed the collar of his shirt. "how are you supposed to get donghyuck to stop hating you if you constantly act like this?"

   minhyung sighed, "i don't know, and that's the worst part." jeno walked up and stood next to him, placing a comforting hand on his shoulder, "ask him out." "w-what?" minhyung stuttered. "you heard him, ask him out," jaemin agreed immediately. "i can't just ask him out. it's not that simple," minhyung brushed jeno's hand off of him.

   "ask him out before renjun does. it's clear he's head over heels for donghyuck, just look at them," jaemin pointed towards the two. minhyung's nails dug deep into the palm of his hands. "he wouldn't dare," he spat. "he would," jaemin argued immediately.

   with one last longing look at donghyuck, minhyung gave in and turned on his heel to face his friends, "can we meet at my house after school to talk about it?" "deal," jeno and jaemin said in sync. minhyung shot them each a grateful smile before walking away. 

   "is it true that renjun is head over heels for donghyuck?" jeno asked jaemin once minhyung was out of earshot. "no, i just made it up to convince him," jaemin punched him in the shoulder playfully. "why?" he stepped closer to jeno, "are you intrested in renjun?" jaemin teased. the older rolled his eyes and scoffed, "of course not." "good," jaemin tugged on the knot of jeno's tie, bringing his lips up to the ravenette's ear, "because you're all mine."

   before another word could be uttered, jeno's arms snaked around jaemin's waist, pulling him so that their noses touched. "and you're mine," he crashed his lips into the brunette's.


i wanna ship nomin so badddd

✎ ---- dreaminghyuck⤾

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