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   minhyung cleared his throat and brushed his hair back with a hand, then, taking a deep breath, he pushed the doorbell, causing a sound to come from the inside of the house. not even a minue later, the door swung open, revealing donghyuck. 

   the silver haired male glanced at mark and called a brief goodbye to his parents before awkwardly stepping outside. "hey," minhyung forced his hand to move from side to side which actually made the movement more stiff than it should have been. "you showed up," donghyuck smiled. 

   "of course i did," minhyung faced the younger, "i really want to show you that i like you. it's not a joke and i still have a lot to make up for." without saying anything, donghyuck hummed, leading them away from the house. while everything minhyung said sounded truly genuine, he couldn't help but stay a bit paranoid. hopefully, by the time he went home his opinion would be changed, and he'd have nothing to worry about.

   each male being quite consumed by their thoughts, the walk was silent for a few minutes until donghyuck broke it. "what made you decide on kukje gallery today?"

   minhung stared at his feet as they walked, refusing to make eye contact. "well i noticed you draw a lot so i figured you must like art. you do, right?" he asked, meeting donghyuck's gaze for a split second before turning back to stare at the ground almost shyly.

   donghyuck's heart fluttered at the small but meaningful detail that minhyung picked up on. taking the older's shyness into consideration, he said, "i love art, really. you picked a great spot, i've been wanting to go anyway."

   he watched in amusement as minhyung still refrained from lifting his head up. the smile on his face was too obvious to hide and donghyuck figured he couldn't have been the only one with a strange fluttering feeling in his stomach.


from tuesday to saturday i've gotten a total of 10 hours of sleep-

✎ ---- dreaminghyuck⤾

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