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   minhyung carefully paused the player and took out the cd. donghyuck had been quiet the entire time, and now he really wondered what the younger was thinking about. "how... was it?" he mumbled without making eye contact.

   "actually," donghyuck paused, thinking hard, "i really liked it." minhyung smiled in relief, continuing to look away.

   "who did you say it was by again?"

   "paul mccartney and stevie wonder."

   donghyuck hummed, "i'll have to listen to it again when i get home." "do you see why i listen to so much american music now?" minhyung asked, taking a seat on his bed next to donghyuck and looking at him. donghyuck turned his head to face minhyung, a small smile across his face too, "i think i'm starting to catch on."

   a moment of silence passed but neither of them turned away. there was something addicting about each other's eyes that made it hard to look away. minhyung licked his lips, making donghyuck's gaze follow the action before shooting back up to the older's honey eyes again.

   "thank you for agreeing to meet me today," minhyung said. his voice was airy and gentle, the softness made donghyuck shudder. "thank you for inviting me," he replied in the same manner. "i'm gonna slowly make everything up to you, okay? i promise you that," minhyung added. the silver haired male only nodded shyly.

   donghyuck's throat felt dry, so he swallowed. it was minhyung's turn to get distracted as he stared at donghyuck's lips. "and dammit, i've never liked someone so much, i don't even know what to do with myself. i like you so so so much," minhyung only half-consciously ranted.

   "well i like you too," donghyuck whispered. minhyung grinned at this, gaze shining as if his eyes held the stars.

   "did i mention how pretty you are today?" minhyung asked. donghyuck giggled, shaking his head. "you're really pretty," minhyung continued grinning like a fool. "not just today, but everyday, fuck, you were probably pretty since the day you were born."

   "alright, let's stop with the corniness," donghyuck placed a hand over minhyung's lips, too shy to listen to the compliments any longer. then the air shifted, and minhyung wrapped his fingers around the sun kissed male's wrist, lowering it carefully.

   he glanced at donghyuck's lips one last time as if silently saying what both of them had been wanting for the past few minutes. donghyuck warmed, leaning in closer. minhyung filled in the rest of the space until his breath was fanning across donghyuck's lips.

   "you know," donghyuck whispered, "i have a rule to never kiss on the first date," he carefully drapped his arms on minhyung's shoulders, "i guess i'll just have to break that one today."

   "i must be a bad influence on you," minhyung teased, "making you break a rule on the first date." "don't worry," donghyuck mirrored his playful tone, "i needed a bit of rebellion in my life anyway."

   "in that case, i'll glady show you the ropes," minhyung smiled before finally pressing his lips against donghyuck's.


song recc; your existence - wonstein

✎ ---- dreaminghyuck⤾

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