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   "donghyuckie..," minhyung draped an arm around the other male's shoulder, taking a seat next to him. donghyuck immediately smiled while taking in the older's sleepyness. "you're sleepy?" he asked as if the answer wasn't obvious. minhyung nodded, "long practice—" he was interrupted by a yawn before continuing, "there's a game on friday so that means extra time on the court this week."

   "i'll go to your game and cheer you on then," donghyuck decided, closing over his study material now that minhyung was there, "would you like that?" "fuck," the older rested his head on his arm which was laying on the table, "i'd love that."

   the way he layed made donghyuck the only thing visible within his view. his eyes showed only adoration and his lips played at a fond smile. "then you can definitely count on me being in the crowd," the sun kissed male assured him.

   "you're a dream."

   "i won't wake you."

   minhyung opened his mouth for another cringey comment when the student council president walked in the library. the couple silently observed him for a while, avoiding talking in order to not get kicked out. when he finally left, donghyuck nudged the blond's shoulder, "after this game basketball will be out of season for a while, right?" minhyung nodded, confused as to where this was going, "yeah... what about it?" 

   donghyuck glanced towards the door as if the president was about to walk through again. "you're gonna have a lot of free time then, huh?" minhyung squinted his eyes, "yes, but what are you getting at?" donghyuck shrugged, "since pres will be resigning because of graduation soon anyways, why don't you try for his position? i know how you like to be kept busy rather than without anything to do."

   "eh," minhyung was taken aback, "i'm not sure that it's my kind of scene... and i suck at public speaking." donghyuck frowned. then whining he said, "c'mon hyung, i know you'd be good at it. you can pick up whatever talent you want, this wouldn't be any different. plus, it would look great on a resume."

   without lifting his head, minhyung grabbed donghyuck's hand and kissed his knuckles tenderly. "as much as i'd love to make you happy, public speaking has always been a fear of mine. class presentations are fine, but stuff like speeches infront of the whole school just wouldn't work for me. i still found a good way to spend my extra free time though."

   "which is?"

   "winning you heart."

   you already have it, donghyuck wanted to say

   —instead he smacked him lightly, "i'm beyond done with your cheesiness." "you know you love it," minhyung looked at him endearingly. when donghyuck failed to come up with a response he laughed, "point proven."


deja vu anyone?

✎ ---- dreaminghyuck⤾

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