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"no way it's actually you"

"hey haechan"

"long time no see"

"it hasn't been that long"

"it's almost been two months"

"oh shit, i guess the time really ran away from me"

"that's okay"

"life's busy, so i understand"

"what's been keeping you occupied?"

"remember that student council thing?"


"well i... got the position"

"that's amazing!"

"what's your position?"

"student council president"

"woah... i was not expecting that"

"you had so little time to prepare"

"how did you even manage?"

"hard work and the right motivation"

"it goes a long way"

"damn, maybe i should take notes"

"what was your motivation?"

"i wanted to make a cute boy proud"


"and did you succeed?"

"i don't know.."

"are you proud?"


there are a few chapters left before the plot turns a 360 and gets complicated 

✎ ---- dreaminghyuck⤾

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