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   "hyunggg," donghyuck whined. he wasn't going to allow minhyung's birthday to pass without a bang. as he forced the older to listen to his different proposals, he was only shut down time and time again. "there has to be something that sounds fun to you." minhyung shrugged, "i honestly—and you know that i couldn't lie to you even if i wanted to—can't think of anything i'd like to do."

   donghyuck pushed his pink plush lips into a pout. his eyes widened in a pleading manner and minhyung knew he was trying to convince him. unfortunately, donghyuck's plan wasn't working, instead only slowly giving minhyung a boner.

   "how can there be nothing that you want to do?" donghyuck asked, bewildered. if bending you over and fucking you senseless right now is an option, i guess there's one thing i'd like to do, minhyung thought to himself shamelessly.

   realizing that he was silent for too long, he cleared his throat and sat up straight. "let's keep it lowkey and just go all out for your birthday," minhyung suggested, hoping to end the topic. donghyuck seemed deaf to his words, already thinking of another plan. 

   "oh my gosh!" he suddenly said, nearly scaring the shit out of minhyung. "geez, what is it?" the latter inquired in a much calmer tone.

   "dongmak beach," donghyuck said simply as if that explained everything. "okay..," minhyung frowned in confusion—because despite donghyuck assuming that he could read his mind, the truth was that he couldn't— "what about dongmak beach?"

   "let's go for your birthday. with jeno and jaemin and renjun if that's okay with you," the younger spilled out. "hyuck," minhyung warned. he prepared himself to explain exactly why it was a bad idea, but failed to come up with one, "that's... actually not that bad of an idea." "i know," donghyuck grinned proudly. 

   "where is it?" the canadian questioned. donghyuck closed his eyes for a moment, "if i remember correctly it's the southern part of ganghwa-do," he continued when minhyung still looked fairly confused, "basically it's in incheon, so it's not too far."

   donghyuck brainstormed a little more, coming up with even more ideas, "we can do fireworks on the beach and go swimming. i heard jaemin and jeno make a pretty good grilling team too... maybe we could have samgyeopsal and stuff. ah, and of course we'll eat watermelon there too." minhyung was surprised to say that he didn't feel the slightest bit appalled to the suggestion.

   "this actually sounds fun," he admitted, the smile on donghyuck's face was priceless. he looked happier than minhyung had ever seen him. "why are you smiling so much?" he couldn't help but chuckled as he asked. 

   the sun kissed male shook his head, "i just..," he bit his lip as if it would stop him from smiling, "i'm really glad to have this chance to make you happy." "but you always make me happy?" minhyung mentioned. he wondered if donghyuck was the one person who didn't see the starts in his eyes everytime he looked at him. "i don't know," donghyuck shrugged, "it's different this time because i get to do all of this for you, and only you."

   minhyung wordlessly watched as donghyuck's cheeks flushed a red color. he mentally cooed at the sight before pulling donghyuck into him. "you make me so happy, you know that right? even when you do the smallest things."

   "like what?"

   "like this," minhyung mumbled before pressing their lips together.


ur confusion after every chapter amuses me sm

✎ ---- dreaminghyuck⤾

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