☏ - 049

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warning!! mature

   donghyuck groaned. the cold glass pushed against his flushed body while minhyung took him from behind. minhyung wasn't giving it his all and donghyuck could tell. 

   "c'mon," he breathed airily, "give me more, i can take it."

   minhyung slid his hands down from donghyuck's shoulders to his delicate waist. "i know you can take it, baby," minhyung assured him, thrusting harder as if to prove it. the gasp which soon became drowned out by a loud moan echoed in the bathroom until mark returned to his original pace. donghyuck whimpered but minhyung only kissed his nape gently to soothe him.

   "can't have you limping at the wedding," he grunted, hips stuttering as soon as donghyuck began pushing himself into mark's cock instead. "hyuck," minhyung groaned. he pushed donghyuck further into the glass, hands now steadily holding onto the younger's hips. "hold still for now and i'll give you whatever you want when we get back," he promised lowly. 

   intrigued by this, the smaller male stilled, immediately giving in. minhyung chukled at the instant reaction and pulled our completely. donghyuck didn't like that. "why? i thought-" before he even had time to finish his sentence, minhyung flipped him around and pulled him in close. "can you jump up?" he asked, knowing that donghyuck would instantly.

   from the new position, donghyuck found it difficult to keep up with the confident and bratty attitude he'd put on since earlier. "no need to be shy now," minhyung nearly rolled his eyes. he teasingly tilted donghyuck's chin up until he was forced to make eye contact. 

   "like this, minhyung hummed in a satisfied manner. his fingers which had been tracing circles on donghyuck's waist suddenly gripped into the flesh. "i wanna see you, hyuck."

   trying furiously not to blush, donghyuck locked eyes with his boyfriend and watched as a pleased grin made it's way onto his face. "good boy," minhyung praised.

   the older male was first to break eye contact, but only so that he could properly line his dick with donghyuck's gaping hole. they both sucked in a breath before minhyung was pushing in again. his movements were slow and steady, but with the way he gripped into the sun kissed male's waist and quietly cursed under his breath, donghyuck knew he didn't have much time before he couldn't take it anymore.


coming back and publishing straight up smut TT

(this was in the drafts)

✎ ---- dreaminghyuck⤾

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