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   donghyuck could definitely call this an improvement.

   from getting pelted with balls in gym class to making out under the bleachers instead, donghyuck figured he could get used to this. 

   minhyung swiped donghyuck's bottom lip with his tongue and donghyuck opened up, allowing minhyung to explore his warm cavern. he let out a supressed moan when the older ran his tongue against donghyuck's causing minhyung to chuckle.

   "someone's enjoying themselves," minhyung remarked. donghyuck from a month ago would've flushed furiously and cursed under his breath, but donghyuck now wasn't the same donghyuck from then. instead he pushed himself closer to the older, confidence coming out of nowhere. "mhm... well i could get used to this," he mumbled before kissing minhyung again.

   since that one day, minhyung and donghyuck have made a point to spend time with eachother over and the weekends, and throughout the week as long as they had time. there wasn't a lable yet, but everyone at school wasn't dense enough to not notice the way they looked and acted around eachother. the duality was shocking indeed.

   "come over tomorrow night?" minhyung asked. his fingers slipped up donghyuck shirt, dancing around the sensitive skin of donghyuck's waist. "of course," the shorter beamed. a sudden thought crossed his mind, causing him to pull away again.

   "you know," he began, burrying his fingers in minhyung's hair, "your mom always calls you mark. why does she do that?"

   the canadian looked at him dumbfoundedly, "i'm surprised you care that much. honestly it's not a big deal." "c'mon tell me! i'm curious," donghyuck punched his shoulder lightly. minhyung only shrugged before explaining, "when i lived in canada, the other kids would definitely forget my name if i told them that it was minhyung, so my mom gave me an english name. she liked it so much, she still uses it even now."

   "hmm," donghyuck hummed, satisfied. "like i said, nothing much," minhyung wanted to get back to making out as soon as possible.

   "interesting though," donghyuck fluttered his eyes shut, secretly keeping that piece of information tucked away in his brain. then he sighed in content as minhyung dived straight back into kissing him.


can't wait to confuse u guys dhdjjsks

✎ ---- dreaminghyuck⤾

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