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   it was weird, donghyuck decided. the feeling of starting off as enemies, to walking into the school doors hand in hand as boyfriends. the people staring didn't even try to be secretive, but it didn't matter. the boy donghyuck was madly in love with was now his, and he wouldn't have it any other way.

   the discussion of whether to go piblic immediately or not had been a relatively easy one. neither of them cared about what others thought enough to hide their relationship, so it was decided to go public starting from the next school day.

   at only eleven in the morning, donghyuck had already heard over thirty different students saying, "i didn't know he was gay." he still couldn't find it within himself to care. especially not when minhyung would simply look at him, smile, and press a kiss to his forhead so delicately that donghyuck swore he was melting. 

   jaemin, jeno, and renjun also managed to get along fine. renjun ranted about how unhappy he'd been with minhyung one last time before he burried the hatchet and never mentioned it again. jeno and jaemin also went public with their relationship, and then renjun became the official fifth wheel of the group. everything was good, and donghyuck was happy.

   the cafeteria was loud and crowded when donghyuck was finally able to meet his boyfriend for lunch. "history was sooo boring," he whined, clutching onto minhyung's arm tightly. "and we have an exam at the end of the week which our teacher only decided to tell us today," he complained, adding a mental note to study hard later. "you'll be okay," minhyung assured him. he glanced at the clock on the far side of the room. "there's only a few hours left anyway. it'll pass by before you know it."

   minhyung had been right. the rest of the day slid right past donghyuck. maybe it was because minhyung said it would, maybe it was because he believed everything minhyung said. he shrugged, slinging his backpack over his shoulder and slamming his locker door shut. he couldn't be bothered to think about why the day ended before he realized it when he he would be making out on his boyfriend's bed in less than an hour. he laughed to himself, "i'm glad i have my priorities straight."


pretend i didn't dip for a couple of weeks

✎ ---- dreaminghyuck⤾

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