Chapter 23

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Rehan and I sat in the living room of our empty house as I explained to him what I had planned out for him and Suhana. "Okay so the first three steps are done" I told him.

My smile dropped when he asked, "What were the first three steps again?" I shoved him. "Rehan" He looked at me guiltily.

"First step was to simply mention you in a conversation with Suhana" I reminded him. "You know just to make sure she knows of your existence" I said.

"Somehow she actually does" He rolled his eyes. "Next was to put in a few good words for you" I told him. "I only said a few and I added a few negative things–"

"What why" He interrupted me. "Because I didn't want to make things too obvious" He nodded in agreement.

"The third step was to find common interests" He smiled. "Yeah football" He looked like an idiot. "Yeah football we're going to use that now" I told him.

"How exactly are we going to use that?" He asked. I looked at him with disbelief. "I literally just told you like ten minutes ago" I scolded him.

"You know what forget it" I said. "Well you've already done that" I rolled my eyes and he looked at me annoyed.

"The only thing you have to do is make sure Mehek goes home with her friend and she goes home before Aryan and I come to your school" I instructed Rehan carefully.

I really hoped he would do that right because Mehek would definitely ruin everything. "Okay sure that won't be an issue" He told me.

I nodded and excused myself for the night. I laid in bed after my shower and pulled out my phone to text Aryan.

Me: Hey
Ary: Hi whatsup
Me: Can you do me a favour?
Ary: Anything what do you need?
Me: Rehan wants us to pick him up from school tomorrow
Me: My aunt and uncle are away
Ary: That's not an issue but
Ary: I didn't know he knew
Me: Yeah sort of a blackmail
Me: We drop him and he won't tell my aunt
Ary: Ah got it
Ary: His sister?
Me: Going to a friends place
Me: How bout ur sis?
Ary: Yeah I guess since we'll pick Rehan we can pick her too
Me: okie great

Aryan and I talked for an hour. I loved talking to him. He has never failed to make me laugh and he's always concerned about me.

Now whenever he talks to me I feel guilty. I feel as though I'm cheating his feelings. I don't know how he will react if he finds out.

I wanted to tell him I'm want to sleep but he sent me a text that I didn't know how to respond to.

Ary: So um abt our kiss...
Me: Oh yeah uhm
Ary: I feel like we should talk about it
Me: Yeah sure

I didn't know what we were going to talk about because I didn't know what to feel about the kiss but clearly Aryan wanted to talk about it and there wasn't anything I could do.

Ary: So maybe tomorrow?
Ary: After we drop the kiddos?

I knew I could use this opportunity to get Rehan and Suhana to spend time with each other so I agreed with Aryan.

Me: Sure that sounds great
Me: I wanna sleep now
Ary: Alright good night
Me: Night!

{next day}

Aryan and I laughed at one of his stupid jokes as we drove out of our high school. We were on the way to pick up Rehan and Suhana from their school. I decided to text Rehan to ask whether he has gotten rid of Mehek.

Me: Mehek?
Rehan: Gone with her friends all clear

I smiled at my phone in satisfaction. "What're you smiling at?" Aryan asked me. "Your stupid joke what else" I told him and he laughed.

We stopped right in front of the gate and the two of us called Rehan and Suhana's phones. Rehan came out first and entered the car.

"Hey where's my sister?" Aryan asked. "She needed a minute with her friend" He told us. Soon enough Suhana was sliding into her seat next to Rehan.

"Alright kiddos let's go" Aryan said as he started the car. The car got silent. The only thing that could he heard was the radio playing softly.

"Did you two have training today?" I asked, trying to sound as casual as I could. "Nope not today" Suhana said. "It got cancelled" Rehan added. "Oh that sucks" Aryan said.

"Why don't you guys just play together?" I suggested. I really hoped I didn't sound too obvious with that. "You can't play football with only two people" Rehan muttered.

I turned slightly and glared at him. Here I was trying to find a way to get him together with Suhana and he was making it even more difficult. Ungrateful.

"I don't mean an actual game" I made sure to not sound angry. "I mean you could practice the dribbling and what not" I suggested calmly.

"Yeah I mean if you're up for it?" Rehan asked Suhana. I turned to see her reaction and noticed her looking at Aryan. It was as if she was asking for permission.

"And this way Aryan and I can go to the place we wanted" I added quickly so Aryan would agree. "Yeah sure" I mentally celebrated Aryan's agreement.

"Great we can drop them at your place" I suggested and Aryan just nodded. Rehan gave me an approving nod. Brat.

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