Chapter XX: Your Family (updated)

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A/n: Hi just an updated info sheet on your family since i've been revising the plot of this story and some of their traits are vital to the development of the story (so be sure to remember them!) (also header image by the lovely frida_dev on insta and all other art by me!)

Your mom:

Quirk: Psychic

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Quirk: Psychic. With her advanced brainwaves, she is able to move any non-living object with her mind. She has an incredible ability to sense living beings in a given area although it is currently unknown if she can influence/manipulate living beings.
Occupation: Pro Hero & Nurse. Your mother works mainly as the #9 ranked pro hero, but is also a nurse. Her reasoning is that she wants to raised you "humbly" and doesn't want her fame as a heroine to influence your upbringing.
Description: Your mom is serious about everything. If she was a drink she'd be the plain, bitter, black coffee. She's always pushing you to improve and to be better. She constantly hounds you about how you need to be better and that you're not good enough. Although, you think that she secretly doesn't want you be better than her, and this fact is apparent in the way that she speaks. You pledge to be a better hero than her due to her irritating lectures and criticism about your progress, yet only for it to be empty words since she wants to remain above you.

Your dad:

Quirk: Fish-Form

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Quirk: Fish-Form. Consists of fins for ears, a large fin on his back, fins on his forearms and shins, and webbed hands. He also has gills on his neck which allow him to breath underwater. His gold eyes have an additional thin, clear eyelid to allow him to see underwater with no irritation.
Occupation: Biological Engineer. Your Dad is very well rounded in everything science. He's a qualified Quirk Specialist (although mostly spends his time as a bio engineer) and a Doctor of Chemistry, Biology, and Genetics. Much like your mother, he's got lots of fame, although it's only within the science community.
Description: Your dad is always smiling. He's cheerful and has a hearty laugh. He makes jokes and is like the life of the party. He's caring and protective. He's pretty much the opposite of your mother, and you always wondered how the two ended up together since they're so different. He was like a break from your mother and you were always closer to him growing up. He is the only one that can successfully go up against your mother and change her mind about a decision.

Your younger brother:

Name: Yuuto (L/n)Quirk: Telekinesis

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Name: Yuuto (L/n)
Quirk: Telekinesis. It would seem that Yuuto inherited your mother's quirk, but he is currently only limited to moving objects with his mind and has seen no development in any psychic abilities relating to living beings. Fun fact: the first thing he moved with his mind was water. He caught it in the air so it wouldn't spill onto the floor when he knocked over his cup. This led your parents to believe he acquired a combined Quirk (Hydrokinesis) like you had, but Yuuto then demonstrated his ability to manipulate other objects and the idea was quickly thrown away.
Age: 7
Occupation: Student
Description: Yuuto is kinda lazy with things which is probably due to the nature of his Quirk. He'll use it when his hands are full, or he'll just use it because he's too lazy to move. Yuuto is only seven, but he loves playing video games. He loves action and explosions because he thinks they're cool. He also thinks you're cool and want to be just like you- Super smart, super strong, super talented, and always at the top. You're his vision of success and victory.

Your younger sister and brother:

Name: Shinju (L/n) & Kaito (L/n)Quirk: Fish-Form

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Name: Shinju (L/n) & Kaito (L/n)
Quirk: Fish-Form. Both of the twins have inherited your dad's Quirk. It's very apparent since they bear the same fishy attributes that he does. Although, they were test-tube babies, and your dad is convinced they yield both his and your mother's Quirks due to that.
Age: 5
Shinju's Description: Shinju is Kaito's twin. She was born 8 minutes earlier than him, making her the older twin. Although it isn't much time, you can tell the difference in their personalities. Although she is very playful like her brother, she understands things on a more mature level than her twin. She appears to be very empathetic and picks up on a lot of mental cues and emotional shifts in people. She is very well behaved, but will also be very blunt about things at times. This combined with her insane empathy makes it also seem like she's reading your mind. It can also be embarrassing and even upsetting at times since she's still young and doesn't quite understand boundaries.
Kaito's Description: Kaito is Shinju's twin. He is younger by 8 minutes. He is energetic and gets into trouble a lot. Putting those two together results in Kaito being found in trees, on top of the fridge and high up shelves. Clearly he is a very active kid. He is very loud and extroverted while his twin is a lot quieter seemingly in her head a lot. Although, as twins, they really have a sort-of telepathic connection. Kaito is kinda like the brawn, and Shinju is the brains of you wanna think of it like that. Literally like the one trait he has is to be dumb. It's so funny I love it.

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