Chapter 24: Lunch Break

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You started walking out of the arena with Kirishima and Sero. Ashido caught up with you guys.

"Ah! You guys are so lucky! You made it to the last event!" Ashido exclaimed.
"Well, we cut it pretty close. That Monoma guy really got us," You replied.
"Yeah..." Kirishima and Sero both agreed as they nodded their heads.
"Hey, shouldn't we wait for Bakugou?" Ashido wondered.
"Nah, he'll be fine," Kirishima assured.
You nodded your head and smiled, "I'm sure he'll calm down soon."
"Alright, If you say so," Ashido cheerfully said.
"Let's go eat, I'm starving!" Sero declared.
"M-hm!" Everyone agreed.

You, Kirishima, Sero, and Ashido made your way to the cafeteria. You were all waiting in line to get your food. It had been quite a while, and none of you guys had seen Bakugou at all.

"Maybe, he's just lost in the crowd," Kirishima suggested.
"He's probably still throwing his tantrum," Sero snickered.
"Yeah, we shouldn't worry. It is Bakugou after all," Ashido said.
"Yeah, but, I still can't help but worry about him. I'm gonna go look for him," You declared.
"Just hurry back, I don't know if we'll be able to save a seat for you," Kirishima said.
"Yeah, the cafeteria's already pretty crowded," Sero agreed.
"Don't take too long, (L/n)~" Ashido teased as she nudged you with her elbow and raised her eyebrows. You playfully glared at Ashido before turning to the whole group.
"Don't worry about me, guys. I'll be back for lunch for sure," You smiled.

With that, you left the cafeteria. You backtracked and wandered through the hallways of the stadium. Katsuki was bound to be somewhere around here. You also were meaning to ask him about the "sludge incident". You wanted to hear from him, first-hand, about what it was. Ever since that Monoma guy mentioned it, it had sparked your curiosity. Kinda like the history between Katsuki and Midoriya had.

As you rounded a corner you saw silhouette of a person leaning against the wall with their hands in their pockets. You noticed that spiky hair instantly and started running towards the person.

"I've been looking around for you everywhere, Baku-mph!"

In a flash, he lunged at you, clamping his hand over your mouth and pulling you close and tightly to his body with his other arm as if he was trying to keep you quiet and unseen.

"Bakugou, what're you-" You're voice was very muffled by his hand.
"Shut will you! I'm trying to listen," He angrily whisper-shouted.
"What are you lis-" You stopped talking as soon as you heard voices.

"In my memories, my mother is always crying."

'Is that... Todoroki?' You questioned.

He continued, "'Your left side is unsightly,' my mother said as she poured boiling hot water on me."

You gasped.

Katsuki pressed his hand harder against your mouth to silence you even more.

"Basically, I picked a fight with you to show him what I can do, without using my damn old man's quirk, no.... I'll reject him completely by winning first place without using it." Todoroki declared.

You were in shock at Todoroki's backstory. Sure, you had only heard just a snippet of it, but it was still enough to shock anybody. You heard foot steps that gradually got quieter, signaling Todoroki's exit. You tried to pull away since Todoroki was leaving, but Katsuki still tightly held onto you.

"I don't care if you can't tell me how you're connected to All Might. No matter what you are to All Might, I will rise above you with just my right side. Sorry for wasting your time," He stated.

You assumed the person who Todoroki was talking to had also left, but you were proven wrong when you heard their voice.

"I... I have always been supported by others. That was the case earlier too. I am here because of the people who have supported me."

'Is that... Midoriya?' You questioned.

"All Might. I want to be like him. In order to do that, I have to be strong enough to become number one. My motivation might seem trivial to yours, but I can't lose either. I have to live up to the hopes of those who supported me. That declaration of war you gave earlier- I'll return that. I will beat you, too!" Midoriya declared.

It was silent after that. No more words were spoken, and footsteps that got quieter and quieter were heard. Soon, the footsteps were inaudible, and Todoroki and Midoriya had surly left the area. Finally, Katsuki released you. You huffed and straightened your tracksuit and bun.

"Tch, you're so annoying. You could've gotten me caught," Katsuki grumbled as he started walking away.
"Well, what were you doing there in the first place?" You asked as you followed him.
"That's none of your damn business," He stated.
"Well, you shouldn't be eavesdropping on people's conversations. Especially when they're very private ones like that!" You scolded.

Katsuki stopped walking and faced you.

"What are you blaming me for!? You were there eavesdropping too, weren't you?" Katsuki snapped.
"It was only because you seized me there!" You argued.
"Because if I didn't you would've blown my cover!"
"Which you wouldn't of had to do if you didn't spy on someone's conversation!"
"I wouldn't have to do that if you weren't wandering through the halls like a hopeless idiot!"
"Well- uwah!!" You exclaimed.

Katsuki had swiftly swept you off the floor and was now carrying you over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes.

"B-bakugou! Put me down!!" You shouted as your cheeks grew red.
"Nope. You're just gonna keep arguing with me and waste my time," He replied as he continued walking.

You kept wriggling around, trying to get out of his grasp.

"Let. Me. Go!" You demanded.
"Better stop struggling unless you wanna fall," Katsuki stated.

Just as he said that, he jerked forward, which you suspected he did purposefully, and you slipped. You would've fallen if Katsuki hadn't caught you. But to catch you, he placed his hand on your butt. That made your face even more red than it was before.

"See? What did I tell you?" Katsuki said.
"Y-you did that on purpose! Wha-"

Suddenly you heard the faint cheering of people.

'Oh god no.'

Katsuki was about to walk into the open arena with you slung over his shoulder and his hand on your ass.

"Bakugou, okay we're here, so please put me down now," You pleaded.
"Nope," He stated.
"W-what? But Bakugou, they're airing everything live out there! Please put me down!"
"Nope," He repeated. You could imagine the smirk on his face just by hearing his voice.
"Please Bakugou? Can you at least get your hand off of my butt?" You begged.
"This's what you get for being so damn annoying. Maybe next time you'll learn to stay out of other people's shit."
"What?!" You exclaimed. "You're the one who was eavesdropping- uwah!!"

Katsuki lurched again.

"Wouldn't want me to accidentally drop you now," He teased.

You gave up and slumped like dead weight over Katsuki's shoulder. The crowd's cheers filled your ears as Katsuki carried you into the arena. Light flooded your vision as your position was revealed to the sunny, open area. You could feel the eyes of the people on you as Katsuki carried you out to the middle of the arena.

All you could do now was only pray that you're dad and siblings weren't watching. And for the love of all things holy, you prayed that your mother didn't have her lunch break right now because damn, your mom would have your head if she saw you being carried into the arena by a boy who also had a hand was on your ass. You could only pray.

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