To Protect The Ones We Love

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        Mara P.O.V

     I woke up some time after, watching as Alzack and Bisca brought Master and I, to one of Master's old friends, Porlyusica I believe I heard them say her name was. She's actually pretty for an old lady. Pretty pink hair that was up and had two side bangs. You could also see the stress marks under her eyes. But I guess I shouldn't judge her all too much, she is helping the Master and me after all. I wish I could have laughed when I saw her slap Master across the face though, but sadly I couldn't. I can't move or talk...or anything. Only listen and watch.

"What do you think you're doing!" Alzack yelled at her as she slapped him. I felt my eye twitch slightly, and the corner of my mouth twitching up. I moved! I just know something bad is going to happen to the others, since the other guild knows Master is unable to fight right now. They'll be coming soon.. 

"It's what he gets for pushing himself so far at his age. Honestly, your such an old fool.. Don't you think you should be leaving now?! I'm sick of looking at you!" She seemed almost sad for her friend at first, turning suddenly to yell at the other two.
"Well you at least tell us what their condition is!?" Alzack yelled back at her.
"We want to help you take care of them." Bisca interfered.
"Just go home. Those ridiculously worried face well only aggravate their recovery.. These symptoms suggest that a powerful spell was used. If I were to guess the spell was called...Drain. This terrible spell drains the victims of all their magic powers. Their powers drift away from them until it's drifts away completely. Makarov could have recovered quickly, if we would have gathered his drifted magic sooner... but as things stand now it well take longer." She thinks out aloud.
"What about Mara? What will happen to her?" Bisca asked glancing at me. I looked back at her, not sure if she even knew I was awake or not. I tried to move, let her know I was okay, but couldn't. 
"And how long will it take, I'm sure the others would like to know?" Alzack also asked her. Porlyusica whirled around to face them.
"WHY ARE YOU STILL HERE?!?!" She suddenly yelled at them.
"I'm sorry I thought you were talking to us ma'am!" Alzack yelled in defense and scared.

      The other two ran out of the home as Porlyusica sighed and looked back at Master. I closed my eyes for a long moment, inhaling deeply, trying to focus on my senses, focusing on my energy itself. It's drifted magic, it just needs to drift back.. Shouldn't be too hard, right...?

"We-...Well he.. be okay?" I croaked out. She tensed and looked back at me with wide eyes.
"Why are you talking? I thought you were asleep?!?" She questions me harshly.
"I've... been awoke.. thi-s whole time." I looked over at Master, frowning as I see his still unconscienced form.
"Can you tell me what happened?" She asked, not as loudly or harshly this time.
" W-...We were fighting the- Phantom Lord guild. B-.. Because they hurt three of my friends and me. So, Master went to get revenge...along with the rest of us. We were all fighting-..and I had a- a strange feeling... like I could sense someone's magic but it felt fuzzy almost so I went to go see if Master was all right.. T-That's when I noticed a big guy casting a spell on Master, so I ran to Master as fast as I could.. The floor collapsed while I was trying to leave." I said having to take breaks ever once in a while. She sighed and hovered over me. She lifted the blanket off of me and set it to the side of her.
"Can you move your toes?" She asked looking at them. I tried to move them once but couldn't feel them, them unwilling to comply. I focused on my magic energy like I had trying to talk, forcing my energy to the rest of my body, feeling it ever so slowly travel throughout my body.  I tried moving my fingers feeling the energy slowly pass my arms, feeling the tips of my fingers twitch. I continued to try moving them, forcing more energy throughout my body. 

     I tried a few more times to move my fingers more, able to move them, trying for my toes again. I forced myself to move, willing the energy to spread completely throughout my body, slowly feeling it crawl down to my feet and into my toes. I huffed in exertion, finally able to wiggle my toes again. 

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