Lucy Ran Away

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Mara P.O.V

     It's been about a week since the guild got destroyed, and we are now all working as a guild to help restore it back to its full glory. Lucy has been staying with me for a bit because she didn't want to be alone, but she moved back into her place yesterday. She was really depressed. I feel really bad for her. We all do. Things got real bad for a big when the Rune knights, the council army, came by to confront us. It was fun at first, Natsu's reaction as he started running along with Happy to get out of there... That didn't really work out all that well. The guards used some sort of spell and trapped them. Mirajane was laughing while Master started crying again. It turns out he might be doing prison time because of what happened, but we'll find out soon. 

      They rounded us all up and brought us to a military post for questioning. For a whole week it was 'Tell me what happened.' and 'why was he there?' and this and that. It was so stressful! But things started to calm down a bit, and they have decided to rule our punishment at a later date.

      I was at the guild helping some of the others with the heavy lifting before I faltered, a bad feeling that had been storing in my stomach was now churning. It wasn't just now I've been feeling this way since yesterday, the feeling only getting worse as time went on. I don't know what it is..They can't and wouldn't attack us again.. and nothing else bad that I know of was going on before I got here so what is it that's so bad thats making me feel this way? What about Natsu? Or Gray? No, nothing with them, they're acting pretty normal right now so... Hmm, Erza?" I pondered, looking up at her and noticed she just beat up Gray and Natsu. No.. Lucy.. She's been depressed but she wouldn't do anything really bad.. would she? I stopped thinking when I heard crying, turning in the direction it was coming from to see it was Mirajane crying and Gray waving his hands around frantically. I narrowed my eyes, stalking up behind him silently but my presence known as he slowly turns around to face me.

"Why is she crying?" I asked him, the innocent question overshadowed with deadly intent as he stammered, obviously struggling for words.
"Ha! He said she was an idiot that can't draw." Natsu answered for him, a laugh coming out. I looked back at Gray and thumped him into the ground like Erza did before walking back to where I was helping before, letting myself question my ominous feeling.

      Later on Erza and I met up and went over to check on Natsu and Gray, seeing why they had stopped working and saw them holding a lunch box... with Gray's face on it..?
"Who said you could take a lunch break?!? Is that supposed to be your face?" Erza yelled then asked, her demeanor changing rapidly as she looked down at the Gray made of food. She stabbed right into his face and took a bite, Gray screaming out at the action, almost cringing like she had actually stabbed him.
"Mmm, this is pretty good. I could eat the whole thing." She mumbled with a mouth full. I looked at her, but then looked past her when I saw something blue flash behind the wall, I hummed to myself, choosing to ignore it.
"Guess I should try it." Gray shrugs, taking a bite of the as well.
"Hey, can you guys do me a favor?" I heard Loke's voice suddenly ask from the wall I was looking at earlier. He held up Lucy's Celestial Keys.
"When I was in town, I found Lucy's gate keys. Could you give them back to her?" He asked as we all walked over to him. I took the keys from him as he tossed them in my direction, nodding as I tucked them in my pocket before walking away. I saw the others wonder off elsewhere and I looked back to Loke, seeing him hunched over a bit and standing in the middle of the pathway, obviously pained by something. I raised a brow as he stopped and composed himself, looking around himself, his eyes landing on me. I looked for a short second, turning back around and walking away. Something's differently going on with him..

      I knocked on Lucy's door a few times but as I waited I heard nothing on the other side. I tried again, thinking maybe she was just the shower or something, so I opened the door finding it unlocked. 
"Lucy? Hey, I have your gate keys. Loke found them and..." I said trailing off as I noticed she wasn't here at all. I couldn't smell or sense here at all. I started walking around in a panic to scope the place before my eyes noticed a letter on the desk. It screamed to be read. I read it, ignoring as the door opened and heard Natsu and the others started piling into the apartment. Mara, you're my best friends too. So I'm sorry to have left without a goodbye, without saying goodbye to any of you. But I can't- My eyes watered at the letter, a familiar pang hitting me harshly. 
"I will go home..." I repeated the end of the letter quietly. Hearing the others stop in their search for Lucy. I clutched the paper in my hands reading it again.
"What is it? Is it from Lucy?" Happy asked flying up to my shoulder.
"LUCY! What the hell, man! We have to go after her!" I yelled turning back towards the others. My clutched fist holding up the letter in fierce determination. Erza took the letter, letting the others read it over.
"I think we should tell Master." Gray decides. I snapped my eyes at him.
"You can do whatever you want, but I'm going after Lucy. Right. Now." I declare, lightly taking Happy off my shoulder and setting him on Natsu's as I proceeded to storm by angrily. A hand was placed on my shoulder heavily, getting me to stop. I looked back seeing Natsu smiling reassuringly, with just as much determination. I tilted my head slightly as he walked closer, pulling me into a side hug.
"That's right. We go after Lucy now." He beamed, smiling brightly. I couldn't help but exclaim out, running ahead and rushing the others to hurry.

      Getting to the train station? Easy, quick. The train ride? Baaad. Gray and Erza sat in one booth as Natsu, Happy and I sat in the one across them. Natsu was slouched over moaning and groaning. Like death was now living inside his gut and demanded his presence be known.

"Man, you reeeally hate transportation like this, huh?" I asked him, sweat dropping as he just grumbled wretchedly in response. I huffed out pitifully, I grabbed his head lying him down, so his head was in my lap and started rubbing his forehead soothingly, sometimes stroking back his hair as a means of comfort. Amazingly to everyone's surprise, it actually worked. His groans and discomfort slowly dulled and he began to relax.
"Whoa..! How'd you do that?" Happy, Erza and Gray all asked in shock. I shrugged my shoulders before leaning back into my seat, hoping to enjoy the silence now that Natsu had stopped his sounds of suffering.
"Something someone used to do to calm me down when I was younger." I reply quietly as we continued the rest of the train ride in silence.

      Finally the train ride was over and we got off the train, running straight towards the Heartfilia estate with full intent of getting our friend back. We perked up, seeing her standing in front of some statue we were nearing. Seeing her encouraged us to run faster, yelling out excitedly as we saw her.
"LUCY!!" We all yelled to her. She turned to us in shock. Her shock quickly shifted into happiness, I lied, shock was still clearly there.
"You're here?!" She yelled back as Happy tackled her in a huge.

        We all started questioning her immediately, us maybe getting carried away before she explained to us what was going on and why she left. She had things she had to work out at home. Which we accepted, just glad she was back. Soon a bunch of maids, staffs and butlers of every sort came out and wished Lucy and the rest of us luck, bidding their goodbyes. My eyes noticed a shadow in the window, nudging Lucy, gesturing her towards the person. She looked back and smiled at the man in the window, waving goodbye to him as we continued the trip back home.

"Oh, and I'm sorry for leaving you guys, I didn't mean to worry you guys." Lucy expresses her regret.
"There's no need to apologize." Erza assures.
"I don't know, you should have heard, Mara. You had her pretty worried there." Natsu seemed to knowingly bring us, walking up beside me, which brought Lucy's attention to me more. 
"Aww, you were?" She laughed out adorably. I smiled, shrugging casually. The others laughed at her fake shocked face.
"Oh, and you wouldn't believe what Mara did!!" Happy yelled to Lucy, flying closer to her with newfound interest.
"She got Natsu to nit puke his brains out during the train ride here!" He cheered excitedly.
"It wasn't anything big, you guys act as if it's a miracle or something." I wave off with a chuckle.
"Wow! Really?!? How'd you manage that?!" She exclaimed. I shrugged.
"She said it was something her friend used to do." Gray said as Lucy nodded, a look of knowing present.
"Anyways! I'm kinda diggin' your hometown." Gray interjects, marveling over the surrounding area.
"Me too, it's such a peaceful place." Erza also notices, looking around in awe too.
"Oh, it's not a town that's just part of our gardens. The Heartfilia estate goes all the way to that mountain over there." Lucy adds a little too casually, pointing to a mountain way, way ahead. I gawked, sweat dropping at the long distance.
"HOLD CRAP, SHE'S RICH!!" Gray gapes, staring at the mountain in bewilderment.
"YOU SAID IT LIKE IT'S NOTHING!!"Natsu also yelled. While Happy started yelling out as well. I shook my head slowing my pace to walk with Lucy as the others gawp over the landscape and the Heartfilia wealth.
"It's good to have ya back, Luce." I smiled to her as she nods her head.
"It's good to be back." She smiled back.
"Oh yeah, here are your keys. Loke said he found them while in town." I remember, handing the shiny objects to her. My eyes glancing over some of the key symbols.
"Oh yeah, thank you! I forgot I dropped them when that Juvia woman kidnapped me." She remembered absentmindedly, strapping them to her belt.
"Well, at least all that Phantom crap is done and over with." I try, which she agrees too. Let's just hope it stays that way.

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