Illusion Replacement

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   Mara's P.O.V

"Time remaining: Two hours and eighteen minutes. Participants remaining: Forty two." Happy informs, growing uneasy at the remaining time, as well as the people left standing. We all tense at the new information.
"That can't be all that's left, that means more than half the guild has wiped itself out in less than an hour!" Master exclaimed. I closed my eyes in angst.
"Evergreen vs. Elfman. The winner is Evergreen. Elfman Co'ed." I flopped backwards so that I was lying on my back as Master and the other two read the details of the fights on the shield.
"I thought he would have no problem beating her." Happy states in slight disappointment. I hear Natsu huff out slightly, but otherwise ignores it. Laxus... just what do you want? Money... power...? What is it that you want that could make you do such horrible things to the guild? Wait a minute... the first time I met you. After our fight. You couldn't wait to get this place, the guild... could you want the guild? Don't tell me you're really doing this just to get the guild, or is there something else, more to it? I remain sprawled on the floor, staring stodgily at the ceiling.
"I think I know what he wants." I mumbled.
"It doesn't matter what he wants, he's just bluffing." Natsu states firmly. I sit up promptly, my incredulous look meeting his inscrutable one.
"He's not, you don't know what h-." I throw back.
"I'm just bluffing, am I?" Laxus's voice bellows out. I snapped my head behind me seeing that it was him. Something was different about him, the shape of him was staticy. A hologram or projection of him, perhaps?
"Where'd you come from?" Natsu exclaims. I sent daggers at Laxus, hidden perplexity as he scanned me over.
"It's a thought projection." Happy explained. Laxus walked past me and up to Natsu.
"Natsu? What are you doing held up in this dump, are you scared?" He taunts.
"I'm not scared! I'm stuck!" He snaps back in defense. He then flickers his gaze at me.
"And how are you back? You were turned into stone." His gaze intensified heatedly. I scoff cockily, flashing an equally cocky grin.

"Oh, that? Guess it wore off." I gloat connivingly. His eyes narrowed, leaning back into his crossed arms as he looked down his nose at me.
"Then how come you're still here?" He tries instead. I sneered, stepping towards the shield, and slammed my fist back into it indignantly.
"Does it look like I can leave!?" I barked at him.
"What do you want?" Master interjects, purposely capturing his attention now.
"How does it feel? You think of the guild members as your children, right? Must be hard watching your little kiddies tear each other apart? It's too bad Natsu and Erza can't join the game, right? 'Cause you don't have anybody else who's strong enough who can take on the Thunder Legend." I simmer in fury as he speaks, knowing each word he spoke was hurting the old man.
"Let me out and I'll beat you, no problem!" I cut in. He raised a brow, turning back to me.
"Just who are you supposed to be anyways?" I couldn't tell if he was serious or just trying to piss me off.
"My name's already been said." I state simply while crossing my arms. I almost smirk at his vexation.
"You're that pest, Mara, aren't you?" I rolled my eyes and head at his answer, him over it already.
"You ready to throw in the towel? " He turns back to Master Gramps.
"Hey, it's not over yet! Don't forget that Gray is still in the game and he's just as strong of a wizard as Natsu!" Happy declared. I bite back a grin as Natsu turned to him in betrayal.
"He's as strong as me?! No way, man!" Natsu yelled. I stifled a laugh as Happy turned to him.
"Sorry, sir. But you're in denial." I laughed soundlessly before turning serious and back to the matter at hand. Making my way back beside the Master.
"Gray, huh? Tsk, you're going to put all your hope in that loser?" I scowl at him while crossing my arms. I wish he was the real Laxus just so I can hit him again.
"I wouldn't underestimate the boy's power if I were you." Master puts full faith in Gray and his abilities. It was silent for a second before the shield changed.
"One more down. Only twenty eight contenders remain. Hahaha and that chump was gonna save ya?!" Laxus goads viciously.
"You cheater! I know you and your pals did some trick to beat him!" Happy yells teary eyed. His comment goes unnoticed by Laxus. Instead he steps closer towards the Master, which invokes me to step forward in his place. The two of us standing before one another as Master Gramps stands just shy behind me, his back to us as I'm sure he mourns the situation. I kept my gaze hard, something in me so rattled, I was practically itching for a fight.
"So who's gonna beat the Thunder Legends now, old man?" He provokes, pushing it further by leaning in towards me as if reminding me I couldn't do anything about it either. My teeth should almost shatter from the force I applied. I paused in my anger for a moment as a thought occurred.
"Gajeel well!" I declare. He only scoffs and waves off my declaration.
"I don't think so. He's made it clear he doesn't want to play. Which doesn't surprise me, he doesn't care what happens to the guild." The shot down idea and his words caused a jolt in me. One I recognized immediately. That power.. If only he was here in person, then I can really mess him up.
"What am I invisible?!" Natsu suddenly exclaims his presence.
"You might as well be if you can't pass the barrier." Laxus scorns, forcing a vocal reaction from me.
"Enough! It isn't worth it. I surrender, alright?" Master admits defeat. I turn back to the Master with sharp protest.
"Master Gramps you can't do this! You don't know what he wants in return!" I urged.
"You've had your fun, now stop this." The Master shakes his head. Laxus was thrown off by the older male's action, but recovered.
"What has gotten into you? I thought you were the Master of the all mighty Fairy Tail guild?! You can't just give up in the drop of the hat! But if you insist on quitting, then by all means. You should have listened to the girl.. Hand the guild over to me and call an early retirement." His face plastered with a smug smirk like he's already won.
"You'd play dirty?! Why don't you come here and face us?!" Natsu challenges him. A challenge he ignores.
"I should have known, this was your goal all along wasn't it?!" Master realizes Laxus's deeper intentions, but still can't help but worry about the safety over the other guild members.
"Master, you can't! I believe in the other's, I'm sure we can figure something out, anything is better than handing it over to him." I point a glare at Laxus, whilst trying to persuade the Master.
"You've only got an hour and a half until the statues crumble. If you really want to put an end to this then announce your retirement to the whole town on the guild's loudspeaker. I want everyone to hear that you're relinquishing Fairy Tail over to me! What means more to you, your children or your title?" I stepped away from Master and towards Laxus, almost forgetting it was just after all a projection.
"He's not afraid to lose his title! It's probable because he doesn't want to hand it over to a blind fool like you!" I yell at him. He stiffened while lowly growling at me. Both of us glaring at each other.
"You're asking for it!" I turned just to see Natsu going to punch Laxus but he disappeared and Natsu just went through him and landed into a pole. I groan in exasperation at him before turning to Master.
"Master?" I check in with concern. He sighs out, containing his anger.
"You were right Mara, my dear. It was never the title I valued. He may be strong, but he's not trustworthy. I'd never leave him in charge. It takes more than just magical strength to run a guild. He has neither the conviction nor the heart." Master stated heartily. I give a solid nod.
"To run a guild is about selflessness, devotion.. It takes a lot more than what he's got." I muttered. I exhale in thought, turning to look at the girl's who were turned to stone. Unaware that the Master was still studying me.
"We still have to hurry before something happens to the others. And to mention ahead of time, I have no 'undo' spells up my sleeve so we have to be careful on how we play our cards. We can't just let you hand the guild over to Laxus, but we also have to protect the girls and make sure everyone else is okay too.." I analyze, going over all the facts.
"If only we were able to get out of here, then I or Natsu could go and stop him." I add additionally.
"If only there was someone else." Happy cries. We paused.. Hearing noises coming from the other side of the room. I raised a brow sharing a look with the others before walking towards the counter. I paled, not sure if I died, or I should kill him..
"No way were you here the whole time?!" Natsu yelled as Gajeel stood up from behind the counter with a piece of metal in his mouth.
"Gajeel, well you fight for the guild?" Master gets right to it, hoping Gajeel would help. Gajeel finished the metal while still looking at us. I noticed his eyes glance off somewhere before returning. He jumped up from behind the counter, landing next to me with his usual creepy grin.
"Might as well. I got a score to settle with that guy." I grinned and slapped him on the back, hard I might add.
"Good! Now, get going!" I usher him towards the shield. But was soon stopped when we realized he couldn't leave either. Well not only can he not leave, but it must have hurt being slammed into the shield. I mentally snicker at this before paling, again realizing that he can't leave also.
"Don't tell me you're over eighty too?!" Natsu and I yelled at him.
"Do I look over eighty, you two idiots?!" He retorts back. I yell out in exasperation while turning my back to them. Well, looks like we're doing this now. Let's just hope it works.. I sprint over to the girls, ignoring the others.
"Mara, what do you think you're doing?!" Natsu questions before reacting.
"Hey, Happy. If this ends up working, can ya make sure Natsu doesn't end up breaking me please?" I chuckle nervously, turning back towards the stone statue of Erza, exhaling as I meet her eyes. Don't fail us now Erza. 'Illusion Replacement'

"Erza. Can you hear me?"

"Mara! Is that you? Where are we, why is everything so dar-?"

"Yes, it's me. But you have to listen to me, we don't have much time. The others well explain after what's going on, but I'm switching places with you in the stone. But it won't last long. You hear me? You have fifteen minutes. Twenty if we're really lucky. Find the woman, Evergreen and break the spell. Hurry."

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