Time To Fight

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 Mara P.O.V

      I stretched after having stood up from my spot next to Natsu who was still complaining about the room spinning. My eyes then wandered over to Gray who looked, in all honesty, like crap. He must have used too much of his magic energy already. I took a step forward, catching him after his legs had given out.

"Gray. Hey, are you all right?" I ask him, to which he gives a strained nod.

"I'm fine. But we need to rescue Erza." He grits with exhaustion.

"Hm." I hummed, giving a determined nod. I looked back at Natsu.

"Natsu, you need to get up." I snapped but he still laid in his self-agony on the floor. Silent and limp, his soul still hovering over his body.

     I growled angrily and knelt down beside him. I grabbed the front of his shirt, shaking him violently. I knew it wasn't helping, which only made me angrier. I raised my hand and struck him across the face, proceeding to shake the male while demanding he pull himself together. But still, nothing. He remained a miserable lifeless heep.

"Uhh... M-Mara. I don't think that's helping." Happy smiled nervously. I whipped around to look at him at the comment, knowing he was right but still. This caused him to shudder.

"Hmpf. I guess you're right." I huffed in exasperation, grabbing the disoriented male and threw him over my shoulder.

"Happy, Simon. Take Gray back to the others, make sure everyone's alright. Natsu and I are gonna go after Erza." I instruct, already in the process of leaving.

"I'm afraid I must refuse. I'm going with you." Simon states, stepping forward as well. I eyed back at him, before shrugging carelessly.

"Whatever. Happy take care of Gray." I re-instruct, taking off with Simon in tow.

"Be careful.." I heard him mutter quietly. I grin back at him before we fully leave his view.

"Aren't I always?" I smiled back at him.

     Simon and I were walking up some of the never ending stairs when Natsu began to stir. I smiled, looking back at him over my shoulder.

"I see you finally started wakin' up." I comment.

"About time too, thought you were gonna have her carry you the whole way." Simon added, causing me to chuckle.

"Arhh.. Last thing I remember was flying around in circles." He groaned, his head bobbing side to side. I try to suppress a giggle, hating myself that he made it so easy to laugh or smile no matter the situation.

"Seriously, even the memory makes you sick?!" Simon yells incredulously. Natsu just groaned even more from the thought.

"After you were eaten by the owl-" Simon started explaining. I wonder what the purpose of all this is? Why Jellal would be doing this. Was he hellbent on revenge, or was this simply for power? And this R system-er Tower of Heaven... whatever it's called, why would there have to be a sacrifice? And why the strongest? If Jellal is so damn strong why not sacrifice himself? -_- Bottom line, he is not going to hurt my friends, or innocent people.

     I was brought back to reality when I felt Natsu being pulled off of me, Simon slamming him into the tower wall. I reacted quickly, behind Simon with a dark aura instantly.

"Release him." I ordered, his eyes narrowing at me instead.

"You clearly weren't paying attention so I'll repeat what he said. He said that he's not going to help Erza! I thought they-you-all of you were friends!! Well..?!" He yelled going to grab me too, we'll call this a lapse in judgment. I grabbed his wrist, bending it upwards at an almost critical angle, halting him in his movements.

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