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"Hey, do you hear that?" I asked, hearing some strange music come to my ears now.

"Yeeeah, honestly I think it sounds kinda creepy." He grimaced.

I chuckled slightly before my face turned into one of horror as we rounded a corner that led to a huge, multi-colored room. FULL OF CAT DECORATIONS... EVERYWHERE!!! On the back wall, there was a pink cat couch, with orange cat shaped pillows, along with green and purple pillows. There was a cat head shaped doorway next to it and, okay who knows what else. There's just too many damn cat things around the place. It's just... weird in there.

"Talk about cat obsessed." I note obviously..

"What's up with this room, cat's all over the place?" Natsu ponders as we walked further into the room to inspect. I snort, Natsu's eyes already on the same thing my eyes had landed on.

"Ooo look at that giant green kitty!!" He exclaims seeing a green cat's head decoration sitting on a shelf.

"I don't think you should be messing with that." I warn. He ignored me, picking it up and started playing with it anyways. I sigh, letting him have his fun, I couldn't fight off the smile that formed seeing him act so childish.

 I sigh, letting him have his fun, I couldn't fight off the smile that formed seeing him act so childish

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"OH! It's some sort of mask!" He yells out with glee, putting it above his head. Oh God please don't. And he did, he put the thing on. I stifle a giddyness I felt seeing him start acting like a cat, hissing and clawing at the air.

"Aww, you're so cute." I coo, rushing over to him. I smiled widely, rubbing the top of the mask that consumed his head.

"Hey, quit it!" He shoo'ed my hand away.

"But you're so adorable." I giggled more, trying to pet him some more.

"Alright, alright. I'm taking this thing off." He grumbled and went to pull it off ... but couldn't.

"Told you not to mess with it!!" I howled with laughter, to which he did not find amusing.

"Stop laughing and help me get this thing off!" He yelled at me. I fake hurt.

"No, you just yelled at me... Meanie." I pouted, turned around and crossed my arms from him heavily.

"Aw c'mon. You're Mara, big and bad! You don't pout!!" He yelled exaggeratedly.

"Well.. Maybe I am this time." I pout more, as I grinned behind my mask. I was finding every minute of this amusing. 

"Shrtaahhhh" He yelled out, struggling vehemently to get the head off. He pulls and tugs, exclaiming once again as he finally gave up on trying to get the mask off. I gave in, walking over to him and started tugging on the cat mask.

"Ow... ow. Hey, watch it!" He yelled out in pain as I pulled harder.

"We wouldn't have to do this in the first place if you would have listened to me to begin with!" I retorted while tugging forcefully.

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