The History of Loke pt 2

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     I stayed home all day, bored and tired beyond belief. I've been meaning to talk with Loke but I've been stalling. It was night now and I figured I'd go over after I got dressed. There's no point in dragging it out any longer. So I hopped out of the shower and wrapped the towel around me. I started to get dressed when Natsu barged into my place unannounced. I froze wide eyed as I could hear him talking with Happy. I only had a towel, no clothes and no cloak..I knew he was in the house, but wasn't quite sure how far into the house. Now! I rushed out of the bathroom, making a quick dash for my room right around the corner. It's obvious Natsu notices, yelling out and quickly making his way from the other end of the house. I grab the cloak that was on the bed quickly, throwing it over my head as he suddenly rounds the corner. His mouth to opens, honestly not sure if he knew it was me or thought someone had broken in, either way. He tensed quickly, mouth dropping to the floor as he fell back. I ignored him, closing opening the door to my closet to act as a divider to get dress as Happy tried to make sure his friend was okay. I shut the door as I finish, Natsu slowly recovering from his spot on the floor. I walk past, not as affected like Natsu was, once I got my cloak that is.

"Hey, help yourself to whatever you want. Make sure no one breaks in or something. Okay? Thanks! I'll be back, bye!" I was as Happy rushes to the end of the hall, yelling out as I close the door. I go to the guild first to see if he was there, hoping maybe Mirajane had seen him or could give me the directions to his place. I near the guild, hearing someone yell out his name, watching as Loke runs off from the building.

"Mirajane, what's wrong?" I questioned frantically after running in to see what was going on. She looked at me quickly.

"Mara, you have to stop Loki! He quit Fairy Tail!" She yelled, my eyes widened as I turn back quickly, taking off in the direction I saw he go in. I ran following every twist and turn following behind Loke. By now the yells and cries of of other members calling out Loke's name have faded and the sound was replaced with the sound of a rushing waterfall. My eyes narrow in confusion as I finally break past the tree line. There I saw Loki standing in front of, Karen Lilica. It was her grave, I think. It was a big memorial stone towards the edge of the cliff.

"So, I was right wasn't I..? I didn't tell you but you knew I knew.. You're a Celestial spirit, aren't you?" I asked him affirmatively.

"...Yes, but now? My time is up." He replied back, not looking at me in the slightest, only staring at the grave before him.

"Why? It is because you hav-"

"There you are." Lucy enters through the trees, causing both Loke and I to turn back at her.

"The whole guild is looking for you, but I see Mara has already found you." She informs, smiling in my direction.

"Lucy.." Was all he replied.

"That's Karen's grave, isn't it." Lucy looks at the grave sadly, the sadness of not just one of her many idols, but also fellow Celestial wizards, were dead. And she was standing just feet from her grave. 

"Hmm. I guess I was wrong, someone else does have an idea." I hum.

"She was a great Celestial wizard and she had a contract with you, right? The spirit Loke, wait that's not real. Your name is Leo, Leo the Lion." She replies with what she knows, but he doesn't reply back for quite some time. He then adjusted his glasses and smiles faintly.

"Well, I won't deny it. How did you find out?" He asked as Lucy looks at me.

"Mara, helped me. I got thinking when she started asking me questions about Celestial spirits but when I got to Leo, she stopped me, asking who the last owner of his key was and those sorts of questions. So I kinda took it from there. Remember, I'm a Celestial wizard as well, it's not too hard to dig up past users. Still, you should have come and talked to me about this.. Normally when someone with a gate key dies the contract between spirit and wizard is terminated. The spirit is then forced back into the spirit world until the key falls into new hands and a contract is made, your contract with Karen should have ended the day she died! I don't understand why you're still here. I've never heard of that before, that's just not the way it's supposed to work, right? I know your kind can't survive in the human world for long, just like humans can't survive in your's, it well slowly zap away your life until finally there's nothing left." She said choking up. 

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