I've Heard of You Before... Nightmare

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Mara P.O.V

"I guess it's pretty easy to trap you two if you have the right bait. I was curious.. Am I allowed at the wedding?" Gajeel taunted. I growled and stepped away from Lucy lunging at him. Black bomb! The attack took a bit of an effect on him. It hit him which sent him backwards while then blowing up in his face.
"What you did to Fairy Tail is unforgivable! To the guild and the people in it! I'll make you pay!" I snarled. He stood up unfazed, other than his battle hungry smirk that was etched onto his face.
"Right! I won't ever let you lay a hand on my friends again! Stay back Lucy... You too, Mara." Natsu stepped closer, side glancing to me. I pouted, crossing my arms and walked back over to Lucy. I sat down a bit off to the side pulling Lucy a bit closer just in case something were to happen. Natsu lunged at Gajeel, which Gajeel deflected by using his weird metal arm things. Which Natsu grabbed and swung him around, crashing him into the wall.

"You alright, Lucy?" I asked, turning my body so I was facing her to check for any injuries. 
"Y-yeah. I think so.... Why are you doing this?" She seemed.. sad. I tilted my head confused.
"Doing what?" I asked her as I noticed her eyes water up slightly. 
"Why are you helping me? Going so far? You haven't even known me long..- I mean y-" She started crying, her words being harder to form.

"You know, I kinda had this talk with Happy not too long ago. You want to know what he told me? He told me that we're all a guild, he said take a look at you, you haven't been in the guild that long either.. but look at what they're doing to make sure you stay here with them. They love you... you're a part of their family. And that goes for me as well. I know that you haven't been here that long and neither have I. But.. The first night here, I was going to sleep in an alleyway or somewhere else unpleasant, who knows? But you offered me to spend the night. You offered me something that I'm still not really used to. Kindness.. Acceptance. All of you have in one way or another. That's why I was gonna leave. It's part of the reason I've never stayed in one place for long, ' cause I've never felt what I do here. Sure, the first day I got here I got in a fight with Natsu, but now look I consider him one of my closest friends. Him. Erza. Happy. Gray... Levy, Droy, Jet, Cana, Mirajane, All of them. And you, you're my best friend, Lucy. And quite honestly, I've never had one before, well I did once or twice but.. that was a long time ago. But a few years later, I met you guys. Fairy Tail, they became my new friends and family. And I love you all, and I do everything I can to protect the ones I love. So, since you're a part of my new family, I guess I have to do whatever I can to protect you, huh?" I confessed to her, smiling brightly at the end. I looked back at her seeing her try and hold a proud face but failed miserably and only ended up crying more. I chuckled sadly at her, pulling her into a side hug. Noticing it's the first time I've been the one to initiate the hug.

"I'm sorry." She apologizes after a bit, trying to stop her tears. I laughed quietly. She wipes her eyes forcefully and looked down at her clutched hands.
"If you don't mind me asking... Who were your old friends?" She asked trailing off. I was silent for a moment before answering.

"The first one was my sister." I answered emptily. She seemed to notice the shift, her eyes gazing to me curiously but cautiously.
"W-what happened to her?" She pushed with ease. I stared at the fight in front of me, the memories wanting to take over and plague my mind. I shook my head, trying to shake my thoughts, but if it meant her thinking I didn't want to talk about it either, then so be it.
"It's fine, we don't have to talk about it now. I'm not going to pressure you, but if you do ever want to talk, I'm here, 'cause you're my best friend too, Mara." She replies softly, looking back at the fight.

"So, if you don't mind me asking, who was the other friend then?" She asked, suddenly remembering the other question. I smiled sadly, breathing out heavily.

"He's.. Well let's just say he taught me everything I know. If it wasn't for him, I'd probably be dead.." I continued to watch the fight, Lucy having her eyes on me for a moment before ever so slowly turning back to the fight. 

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