Got Gold?

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  Laying lazily on his small bed, Gregory waited around for Freddy to return. Seeing through the windows that it was already morning, the boy assumed the bear to be in the house talking with Bill—one reason probably being, so he wouldn't wake Gregory. Having had his arm hanging off the side of the bed, swinging it side to side with his knuckles lightly grazing the floor, Gregory still felt a bit groggy. He hadn't been awake for long.

Something caught the boy's attention, waking him up a bit more. He'd accidentally bumped his hand against something under the bed. Sitting up, Gregory leaned over the edge and looked down below. His brown eyes widened. "Oh yeah...!" He quietly exclaimed to himself, getting onto the floor. Now sitting on his knees, Gregory pulled the chest out from it's hiding spot. He opened it, looking at the coins again. With all these convincingly authentic gold coins, who knew how rich they could be? Gregory smiled to himself, closing the chest and putting it back.

Standing up a bit, the boy then opted to change out his PJs before going to find breakfast. In the process of taking out his change of clothes, Gregory took a small glance out one of the van's windows. It had a perfect view of Bill's kitchen window. The boy saw the sergeant speaking with Freddy, a very interested look on his face. Gregory hummed curiously, though continued to change clothes.

After he was finished, he put his PJs on his bed like always would. Then, Gregory took out his red, white-laced shoes and put them on. He sat on the edge of his bed to do so. Once the laces were tied, Gregory took a moment to admire his handiwork. (Not long after beginning their life on the run, Freddy had taught Gregory how to tie his shoelaces. It was a bit tricky at first, as with the animatronic's large hands, demonstrating how to do so was difficult. But, Gregory did get the hang of it, and kept improving).

Looking up, Gregory wanted to see if Freddy was still in the kitchen before heading out to join the bear. He wasn't. In fact, he was walking back to the van. The boy tilted his head a bit for a better view, noticing how the bear was standing in one spot. Freddy was staring intently somewhere off to his left. One of his ears wiggled in the way it would whenever something caught the bear's interest. After a beat, Freddy continued towards the van's side door—a small concerned look on his face. Gregory stood up again as the door slid open. "Gregory?"

"I'm up." The boy called back, coming over to the door. Freddy put a hand on the boy's shoulder, while simultaneously running a scan of him. "Have you been up long?" Gregory gave a shrug. "Not super long." Freddy hummed. "I'm hungry. Can I go have breakfast, please?" The boy requested. Freddy hesitated a moment, glancing over his shoulder again. "Uh, Freddy?"

"Of course, come." The animatronic held the boy's hand as he jumped out of the van, before then closing the door behind them. Gregory didn't overlook how Freddy seemed to be body shielding him from the direction he'd been staring at before as they walked to the backdoor of Bill's house.

"Good morning, kid." Bill greeted as the two entered the kitchen. He gave a 'wave' with a careful tip of his half-empty coffee mug. "Good morning!" Gregory greeted, hopping onto one of the kitchen table's chairs as Freddy went to get the boy a bowl of cereal. After taking another sip of his morning coffee, Bill spoke up again. "So, Freddy here was tellin' me about this chest of gold coins you got."

"Oh yeah!" Gregory confirmed with an enthusiastic nod. "We found them in an abandoned cabin in the woods. No clue who's they were, though." He explained, before then thanking Freddy as he put the bowl of cereal down in front of him. "That's real interesting." Bill commented with a smirk. "A friend of mine is an antique dealer, but he knows a thing or two about gold and silver."

"You think he could tell us if the coins are real?" Gregory wondered, before taking a bite of cereal. Bill gave a nod. "Meanwhile, one of the detectives in my precinct loves solving little mysteries in his past time." The older man began with another sip of his coffee. "I'll tell him about the cabin and see what he comes up with." Gregory smiled excitedly. "Alright!"

The conversation then quieted, everyone—save for Freddy—enjoying their breakfast of one form or another. As he almost finished his cereal, a question came back to Gregory. He looked up at Freddy, while chewing his cereal. "What were you looking at outside?" The bear blinked, confused. "I am sorry?" Gregory swallowed. "You were staring at something outside on your way to the van. Your ear even did that little twitch it does when something has your attention. What were you looking at?"

"I... well..." Bill side-eyed the bear, equally as curious as Gregory was. "I-It was nothing, just a squirrel in a tree." Freddy answered, being less than truthful. Bill noticed this, but Gregory brushed it off. For now, anyways. "Okay." He simply answered, taking another bite of his cereal. The animatronic then looked at Bill, giving an indicative nod that he wanted to talk about something else. Finishing off his coffee, Bill put the mug in the sink. He then began for the back door, nodding to the bear to join him outside. Gregory's brow arched, being very curious about what they were talking about. Maybe Freddy would tell him later... hopefully?

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A.N. Sorry about the no-show chapter last week. We're back on schedule now, however! Thanks for the patience :)

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