Food Poisoning

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It was a beautiful, sunny and warm day out. The city's annual harvest festival/fair was due to be the entire next week, and vendors and festival planners were already in the process of setting things up. Walking along the sidewalk with Gregory on his shoulders, Freddy glanced over curiously to the one of three 'mainstreets' of the city. It looked busy with all the prep work being done, but it wasn't busy enough for the road to be blocked off yet—not until the day of the festival. "Woah...! What's going on over there?"

"I do not know." Freddy simply answered, watching all the people curiously, just as Gregory was. "Can we go see? Please, Freddy?" The bear glanced upwards to the boy on his shoulders. "Of course, why not." Freddy answered, earning a happy cheer from Gregory. With that, the bear's course changed as he began towards the mainstreet.

Even though there was a lot of preparations still in need of being done, some vendors had their stands set up already for people to come and buy. They mostly consisted of food stands, as the vendors with hand crafted merch weren't ready to be set up yet. There many organizers and volunteers all working together. The organizers were ensuring everything was as it should be—hence why they're called organizers—and the volunteers were working to help set up the tents for the vendors.

"It appears they are preparing for a fair?" Gregory's expression lit up. "Awesome! We'll have to come back here when it's all set up!" He suggested, already excited at the prospect. "I can't wait!" Freddy chuckled. "You will have to be patient in the mean time, superstar." He told. Gregory laid his chin down atop Freddy's head as he watched the organizers and volunteers go about their tasks. A rumble suddenly sounded. "Was that you, Gregory?"

"... yeah." The boy admitted. "I'm kinda hungry." He then confessed. Freddy hummed, before scanning the street to see what food vendors there were who were open for business. It didn't take much searching to spot a hotdog vendor, who had just waved off a happy customer. "How does a hotdog sound, superstar?"

"Good!" Gregory answered, as Freddy began walking towards the stand. Stopping a reasonable distance away from it, the animatronic lowered the boy from his shoulders. Then, he took out a couple dollars of cash and gave it to the boy. "The stand is just over there. I will wait for you here, Gregory." Gregory nodded, took the money and went to buy his hotdog.

After, he returned to Freddy's side. Seeing as the park wasn't too far away, the two began walking to it—hand in hand. Gregory ate as they walked, and after taking his first bite from his hotdog, he found the taste to be a bit... weird. Though, he didn't say anything, as he knew there was only so much money to be spent on food, and wasting a hotdog didn't seem right.


Gregory was almost finished his hotdog when he and Freddy sat down on a park bench. "How is you hotdog?" The bear asked. Gregory hesitated a second, before answering with, "Good." Freddy noticed the undertone to Gregory's answer, though brushed it off. It was most likely nothing.

While the boy finished off his small meal, the bear glanced around. He noticed a lady close by running a small stand selling simple handmade kites. The lady was re-arranging the kites on their hooks, before taking one down. She looked to be examining the one she'd took, sighing and shaking her head a little. Freddy cocked his head a little, intrigued. "Gregory, stay here. I will be right back."


The lady huffed a little. She should've known trying to sell a kite with this abstract pattern wouldn't have been a good idea. Looks like she'll have to set it aside to bring home. It wasn't going to sell. "Excuse me?" Looking over, she jumped a little at seeing a tall, animatronic bear almost towering over her. The thing looked familiar, but she couldn't quite figure out why. "Y-Yes?"

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