Bodil666 x reader

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Hey guys sup on with the story!!!!!!

So of course like every runaway story goes my family hates me and I ran away but I'm guessing you're wanting to know the details. (Me: shut up and do it right!!! You: fine mom) well one day my mom got into a car crash and died of course my father blamed me for it he beat me and whipped me and even...........raped me.MY OWN FATHER!!!!!!!!! Like who does that to there own child!!!!!! Anywho I couldn't take it anymore and I ran into the forest. Without anything of course cause I planned on going to the big ravine in the middle of the forest. I would hangout there when I wasn't being beat. ( I cried a little writing that) So here I am about jump just thinking about the relief me and my father will have when I'm gone. I go to jump but get shoved to the ground in mid-air. My head hit a rock and I got knocked out but before blackness took over I saw a man in a suit and a butter (yellow) colored tie. He also had sunglasses and black hair. That's all you could make out before you blacked out.

☆☆☆☆time skip to wakey waky☆☆☆☆

I wake up and fell warm arms around me. It was cold where ever I was so I snuggled into them. I soon fell back asleep in the arms of this person. When I wake up again the warmth is gone so I slowly sit up. I look around and see a normal looking bedroom. After a minute a man in a suit and butter( again yellow) tie. (Look at the picture above). As soon as he saw me he said in a Bulgarian accent" Oh thank goodness your awake" I see blood on him and start to worry. I guess he noticed I noticed the blood cause he said "don't worry I won't hurt you" I felt a little relieved. He walked over and sat down next to me and said" hey uh why where you jumping into the ravine. That could have killed you you know."" I know" I say and start crying a bit. He held me in his arms and whispered sweet nothings into my ear. After awhile I told him my story and eventually calmed down. "Stay here and I'll take care of you and I'll make sure you never get hurt.ok?" "Promise? " " promise. "


Hey guys I hoped you liked this story and check out my other books ok and have a great day until next time see ya my COLORS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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