Antisepticeye x Angel!reader

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Thanks for the request @EnyaAM I am sorry if this offends anyone.

Y/n's P.O.V

I'm a demon hunter. A very high ranking Angel and demon hunter at that. I'm looking for one of the most dangerous demons of all...Anti....but I have confidence I'll get him. He's no different from every other demon I killed. He apparently is like a god upon demons. Well he's still a demon. I could care less.

I'm walking casually through town(HA NO FOREST!!!) in my human form because this apparently was the last place he was seen. I look around. Then I sense him. He's nearby. But where? I look around and spot him. He's wearing different clothes and looks almost normal but it's definitely him. He looks up and we make eye contact. He then runs. I run after him.

He runs down an ally way. I run after him. He's trapped. I hear him say shit under his breath. "What are you planning?" I said. If he's some big shot then why did he run right into an wall? He turned looking kinda scared. "Heh you planning to...uh...WHY SHOULD I TELL YOU!?" I look at him. "You don't have a plan do you?" "No I don't" "then how come you're a big shot? A 'god amongst demons'?" He laughs "uh..luck of Irish?" (I'm so not sorry) I stare at him cautiously. No way he's so powerful and lived through so many high class angels that out of sheer luck.

"I don't believe you for a second.." He then smirks evily. I change form."Oh your a smart one huh? Dang now I don't wanna kill ya as much...heh too bad" He attacked but I easily dodged. "Oh you're skilled too... now I really don't wanna kill ya.." "Too bad I don't feel the same!" I said as I attacked. He bearly dodged it. I quickly turned back towards him. "hm..wonder if there's a way to keep ya...maybe..nah..." I kept my eyes on him.

He was busy thinking of ways to 'keep me'. I took this as a chance to attack. I quickly ran and pushed him to the ground. I had my sword at his throat. He looked up at me. "Hey there~ excited are we?~" I looked at him disgusted. He just smiled. "Well guess you have to take me away now huh?" "Only make things better.." he looked at me confused like genuinely confused.

"Only way? Better? You're on the wrong side...I don't think you realize that..they brainwashed you didn't they?..." I was confused. He looked closely at my features. Then he looked surprised. "Y/n!! Is that you!? I thought you were dead!" I pushed the sword down more. "How would I know dirty scumb like you? I'm an elite ange-i mean demon hunter..."

He smiled. "You're remembering aren't you?..that you were an elite angel hunter? Not demon hunter..." it suddenly hit me like a sack of bricks. I crawled off him and dropped my sword. I put my back to the wall. "I...I've been lied to...all this time?..." He gets up and holds me. "Yea I'm sorry's true" I felt warm and safe in his arms. "'re name isn't Anti is's jack..." He just nodded while holding me. I snuggled into his arms when I heard a voice. "So you finally figured it out....." it was my boss.......

THERE WILL BE A PART 2!!! I LOVE CLIFFHANGERS TO MUCH!!!!!! Thanks for reading hope you like it. Whoooooooooooooooooo and til next time see ya later my COLORS!!!!!!!!!!


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