Insane Mitch x neko!reader

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Thanks for the request @ashleigh_Louise146!

Y/n's P.O.V

I'm a neko. (Well duh read the title dummy!) I...I'm in the forest because I feel more comfortable here. I'm pretty much a cat so. Makes sense. Anywho I'm currently in a tree...stalking a bird...yea...I then hear footsteps. It startled me and...of course I went into my cat form..

I'm clinging to the tree. When something comes up behind me and grabs me. I yowl and try to scratch the person but to no avail. I was then thrown on the ground. I tried to stand but it hurt. I must have sprained my ankle. I looked up and saw a person with a red and black checkered jacket on. He also had dog tags and a white undershirt with jeans. But that's not what I'm focused on. I'm more worried about the blood on his clothes.

I tried standing again but it still hurt and I couldn't get out of my cat form because of pure terror. I'm so screwed. He smirks at me. I just cower away. He then frowns, sighs, and picks me up. I just hold still to scared to move. He walks until he reaches a house. He then sets me on the couch and goes to the kitchen. I still couldn't change form so I crawled to the far end of the couch and put my back to the arm of the chair.

When he got back I watched his every move. He noticed and sighed. "Don't worry..I wont hurt you..." he said as he fixes my leg. Of course NOW I had to change back. (SHE STILL HAS CLOTHES ON!!) He looks at me amazed then angry. I hide my face waiting to be beat. But nothing came. Confused I peek up at him. He stares at me. I quickly hide my head again.

I waited...I waited for him to yell or hit me something. But he just picked me up and held me in his lap. I was confused and scared. I eventually relaxed and curled up in his arms. "Why did you cower away when you changed form?" I was silent before I answered. "Because you seemed angry..I was waiting to be punished" I said quietly. He looked at me for a secondbefore responding. "You get beat...don't you?" I nod tears coming to my eyes. He hold me close. I just cry a bit on his shoulder before slowly falling asleep. But before I fdo I hear him whisper. "...he won't be doing that anymore...never sweet little kitty..." then I was out.

Sorry it's kinda short but better then nothin right! Well Thanks for reading hope you like it. Whoooooooooooooooooo and til next time see ya later my COLORS!!!!!!!!!!!


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