Virus Cry x Happy!Accepting! reader

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Thanks for the request @I_THINK_IM_OBSESSED

Crys P.O.V

I just finished hacking yet another victim. He'll go insane in around a week. Mean while I went to my darling Y/n's computer and watched what she was doing. She seemed to be playing some game called undertale. Seems interesting. I hack into it and make one of the characters ,Sans i think, start saying puns. I watch her as she laughs and seems so happy. It makes me happy to see her like this....but unfortunately I'll never see her like this past the computer screen. If only.......

Y/n's P.O.V.

I was playing undertale.(you know the awesomest game ever!!) Sans was making puns like crazy and I was laughing my butt off!! Then the power went out...but something weird happened. My computer glowed and the light was moving. Not like from a lamp but it like moved and behind my big ass gamer chair so I couldn't see where it went .

After a few seconds I heard a deep AF voice say "Shit the power went out...oh god...I'm in her room..." I held still wide eyed. Who the f is in my room and how did they get there?!?! I heard a deep nervous chuckle. "Um so....the powers out...Y/n....I know you're-" I cut him off by spinning around and yelling "Who the flip are you!? How did the flip did you get in my house!? And how in hell do you know my flipping name!?".

He mumbled ".. you curse like a sailor huh?..." then he looked up at me and smiled innocently " uh...long story...but I'm cry..." (*completely forgot this was supposed to be a happy accepting reader!!*) I smiled and sat down"...we have time...." he then told me everything. From how he found me to how he's been stalking me since. I was quite til he finished. I was about to say something when the power came back on. "Ok well gotta go bye!!" He then dissapeared back in to the computer. I sighed. "...I didn't even get say it was ok..."

~⏰time skip to the next week⏰~

I haven't seen him since that night. He just dissapeared. I tried to contact him but I didn't know how. I was telling my friend Kayla about him.

Y/n: I haven't seen him since...
K: really! He's in looooooooove with you girly!! This is just like in the fanfics!!!
Y/n: lol but I can't contact him...I kinda miss him accually
K: ❤awww so much love eek!!❤

I was about to respond when a light came from the computer again. The same light from that night. I quickly turned around and saw exactly who I was looking for for the past week!! "Cry!!" I hugged him. He was surprised for a sec before hugging back. "Dang you really did miss me huh?...I didn't think you'd accept me.." (Well check the title dummy!!! Cry: how about you check your face!!) I smiled "I'm a very accepting person.." he smiled and hugged me tightly. "I'm glad.."

Then my computer dinged. It was Kayla.
K: Helloooo?
Y/n: HE'S HERE!!!
K: WHAT!?!
K: Sorry didn't realize I was interrupting a make out session..hehehe..
Y/n: ...shush...

I just shut off the computer at that point. Cry was laughing and blushing at the same time. "What?" He looked at me and said "...your friend is weird..." I laughed. "Yea Kayla is a bit of a weirdo but I deal with her anyway..." He smirked. "Well...she doesn't have bad ideas now does she?.." he took a step closer and dipped me. "Whoa whoa whoa....let's be friends first..." and so it begins...

WHOO FRIENDSHIP AND STUFF YEA!!!! Thanks for reading hope you like it. Whoooooooooooooooooo and til next time see ya later my COLORS!!!!!!!!!


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