Yandere!Houseowner x Yandere!reader

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So this'll be interesting. Thanks for the request @NiNgLeFaNg

Y/n P.O.V

I was watching Ross Senpai watch some girls. Ugh why did he have to watch them! Why couldn't he watch me! Anyway Ross Senpai is behind a tree watching a group of girls and their boyfriends. I was on a roof on the other side of the group. I was so mad at Ross Senpai for watching those girls. Why! They aren't even that pretty. I guess I'm killing some sluts tonight. I see the girls boyfriends leave not that I care. I only have eyes for Ross. But he leaves too. Hm..did Ross Senpai join the football team and I didn't know. No I know everything about Ross Senpai! Then where did he go?

I just ignored it and decided to kill the sluts Ross Senpai was watching. I slowly creeped around a tree. Still watching them. I then casually walked up to them. Made sure no one was watching and stabbed them all. I then quickly put them down a garbage chute and used a near by mop to clean up the blood. There! No more sluts to steal my Ross Senpai! I put the mop away and started looking for Ross Senpai again. I looked everywhere and finally found him on the roof. One of the sluts I killed boyfriend was with him. Hm...I didn't know they were friends.

And they weren't. I watched as Ross Senpai pulled out a knife and slowly walked towards the guy. I watched silently. Was Ross Senpai killing for me?.. the boy back all the way to the edge of the roof. Ross Senpai still came closer. Then the boy jumped. I giggled a little to loud at the sight and Ross Senpai saw me. Shit! I quickly went to run but Ross Senpai was right behind me. He probably wantedto know why I was watching him ugh! I'm not ready to tell him.

I eventually ran into a alley. But there was a wall at the end. Damn it!! OK so..Ross Senpai is so not gonna like me but I have to tell him. Ok...here goes. He runs in and sees I'm trapped. He smirks. What?.. He said "I have you now Y/n Senpai.." "Did...did you say Y/n Senpai?..As in me?" I was so excited to see if Ross Senpai loved me too. "Yes...why?" " Oh yay!! Ross Senpai loved ms me too!!!" He looked kinda confused before he realized he was my Senpai too! He was hesitant.

He said "No you're trying to trick me! No Y/n Senpai your mine now!.." I was confused and asked "Trick you? Why would I wanna trick you Ross Senpai? And am I really!? Are you gonna take me away!" He seemed confused still. He just came closer I took a step forward. I said "Ross Senpai I would do anything for you. Anything at all. Remember those girls you were staring at earlier...I killed them...just for you.." He smiled "Yea well remember those guys you were staring at?...I killed them for you too.." I smiled "Aww really?" He noded. I ran and hugged him he smiled. Yay I finally have Ross Senpai! He's all mine!

He pulls away and looks me in the eyes. He puts his hands on my face and he kisses me deeply. I smile and kiss back. He then picks me up still kissing me. He pulls away. He walks somewhere. I just put my head on his chest and slowly fall asleep.

~~time skip to when she wakes up~~

I wake up to a thump. Look and see I'm in a basement. Oh god!...it's dark...it's really dark...I see a light and Ross Senpai came down a set of stairs. "Ross Senpai! Oh god....Ross Senpai I'm scared!" He looks at me and says "you...you'll leave if I untie you...I can't..I must keep you here so you'll always be with me Y/n Senpai..." I sighed. "..c-came you turn a light on...i..I'm scared of being alone in the dark..." he walks to a wall and turns the light on. Turns out I'm on a pretty nice bed. My hands are tied up so are my legs so I just lay down. Ross Senpai walks to the bed and gets in. He then slides over and wraps his arms around my waist. I turn over and snuggle into his chest. He sighs and unties my hands so I wrap my arms around him. I slowly falling asleep whispered "I love you Ross Senpai" before falling asleep.

I'M SORRY IF IT SUCKS!!! RAWR!!!! Any way.... Thanks for reading hope you like it! Whoooooooooooooooooo and til next time see ya later my COLORS!!!!!!!


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