Prince!Blaze!Seto x Princess!Blaze!Reader

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Thanks for the request @frisk_craft!!!

Y/n's P.O.V

I was walking down the corridor towards my father's study. Why? Well, cause I was called there of course. I may be the princess but I still have to listen to my father. I was a blaze princess at that. If something were to happen to me there would be no heir to the throne. I was an only child after all. But I love to escape the castle and play around the lava pits. Now we should continue with the story or father will yell at me.

I make it to Father's study and knock on the door. I hear the gruff voice of my father tell me to come in. I walk in the familiar book filled room to see Father looking awfully stressed. "Are you alright Father?" He simply waved his hand my way and shook his head. "I'm fine dear. It's just the war going on is all." He sighs.

I can't really say anything about it since Father even won't let me know if we're winning or not. All I know is it is against another powerful Blaze kingdom. Led by a ruthless king and his son right there with him. I do all that I can to comfort Father and hug him tightly. He hugs back so tightly you'd think he was losing his precious kingdom. When we let go he tells me to take a seat in one of the green velvet chairs. I do so and sit properly like a princess should. Although I was secretly worried because he never actually made me sit in these chairs. He normally just tells me what's wrong cause we're family not one of his servants or knights. There was no need for such formalities.

Father looks up at me sadly and I get the feeling this isn't going to be a good thing. "Y/n, dear, I am so sorry but we must marry you off to a nearby kingdom so that we may have their help in battle.." "What? Why? I thought we agreed that I wouldn't be married till I was ready!" I exclaimed. "I'm sorry dear but it's the only way we'll win this war without hurting our people.. " I look down holding back tears and trying to comprehend what was happening. I had to hold back my anger, knowing this wasn't father's choice. "It's alright Father.. I understand.." I stood. "If that is all I'll return to my room.." He made a hum of approval and I quickly left the room and headed down the corridor. I can't believe this is actually happening. Being married off to some random person I don't even know. Like livestock. Stuck with them for the rest of my life... How am I supposed to live like that? What if he hates me the moment I walk in the door? Or what if he is too attached? how am I going to live like that?

Knock! Knock! Knock!

A knock on my door brings me out of my in thoughts. I quickly dry up my tears and make myself presentable. I cant let them know how much this upsets me. "Come in!" I yell. The door opens and Derek ,my personal butler, walks in. "I am here to help you pack if you're ready Ms. (Y/n)" I stare at him for a moment before realizing I should probably start packing as soon as possible. I'll probably be leaving in the next 2 days and I have (y/age) worth of stuff in here. I stand up slowly and take one last good look at my room. Before I head to my closet and start packing clothes. Time pass quickly as I get my stuff packed with the help of Derek and what felt like 2-3 hours was actually about 8. It was well into the evening when we finished packing my things. I sat down my bed with only sheets that would be staying at the castle on it and breathed a sigh of relief looking around at the numerous boxes. "Thank you for helping me ,Derek." I thanked Derek my butler of (Y/age) years. He nodded and smiled sadly. "Of course. We'll miss you around here ,Ms. (Y/n)" I smiled with tears forming in my eyes. "Yea I'll miss you too. I can't believe I'm actually leaving so soon..." My voice started cracking and Derek was immediately there to hold me as I began to cry. ...I don't wanna leave..

~Sad Time Skiiiiiiiiiped~

I spent the next day walking through the castle appreciating everything. All the halls and gardens I ran through as a child. All the servants I grew up with. visited the graves of the ones who passed. I realized how I took advantage of the time I had here. And the people. I looked at the walls and laughed at how many times I got caught climbing them to escape to town. I knew I would probably do the same at this other new-no.. different castle. I don't know what to think. Should I be excited to be going on into my next stage of life or depressed to be going somewhere against my will.

I picked up my last bag and handed it to Derek who loaded it on to the carriage. He then opened the door to my carriage to let me in. I paused and turned to look at my old home one last time before entering the carriage. Derek entered after and sat across from me. I stared out the window as the carriage began moving. I watched my home pass by and I watched it till I couldn't see it anymore. A single tear rolled down my cheek. But I quickly wiped it away. No more tears (Y/n)..No more tears..

We arrived. The castle was so beautiful. I couldn't wrap my head around it. Derek and a few of the servants from the castle began unpacking my things. I walked inside to be greeted by a wonderfully enthusiastic maid. "Hello your majesty! I am Kayla. Your new personal maid. And I will help you anywhere you need it to make you feel more at home." I faked a smile. No one could replace Derek. "Thank you Kayla. Right I think I just want to know where my room is tho. Its been a long ride." She nodded excitedly and said "Right this way Ms. (Y/n)" She lead me down the hallway and into an extravagant room. I spun around in awe. I realized that people were still coming in with my things. I decided it best to stay out of the way and asked Kayla to take me to a garden nearby so I can relax before I started unpacking. She agreed and thought it was a great idea. It seemed she thought that way about everything I said. It was kind of cute.

Once we made it to the garden I asked to be alone while I explored it. I looked in awe upon the variety of flowers. Some were familiar from the old gardens of my home but others were not but all of them were beautiful. Some were arranged to be pictures like hearts or kittens. And others were elaborate pictures of people most likely from the history of this kingdom. Every step I took there was a new kind of arrangement or flower each more beautiful then the last. "I could walk through here for hours.." I whispered. "Yes its all very beautiful.." said a voice from behind me. I jumped and spun around quickly. It was a young man about my age wearing purple yet royal garments. He had matching brown eyes and brown hair. He was quite handsome to be honest. He smiled at me. "I'm sorry I didn't mean to scare you. I assume your here for the wedding in a week?"

I sighed. "You could say that." As I turned away from him to look at more flowers. He tilted his head, confused. "You don't seem very happy about it." I didn't turn to look at him. "I guess you could say I don't really want to be here." He hummed and stepped forward to stand beside me. "Then why are you?" He asked. "Have to.. As a duty to my kingdom." I stated simply. He nodded. Probably assuming I was here as a guest and not the bride. probably for the best. Then it was silent. Nothing could be heard. Except the sound of the wind and the birds singing. I closed my eyes and let the sound surround me taking over my hearing. I smiled at all the sounds and the beauty of it all. I could feel the man's stare. I opened one eye and look at him. He seemed in awe. I giggled and said "draw a picture it'll last longer." And closed my eyes again.

I then heard the rustling of paper. I opened my eyes to see him pulling out a small notepad and pencil. I started laughing. "I was only kidding, you know." He looked up and laughed. "I can't help it you're just so beautiful.. at peace.. You have to let me draw you please." I smiled and responded simply by closing my eyes again. Focusing on the sounds. The world. A few minutes later I hear him say "Done" I slowly opened my eyes. He was still staring at me tho. "May I see it?" I asked. He handed me the notepad. I looked at the drawing and it was extremely realistic. I looked at all the detail. "Its very beautiful. You're very good at drawing." I said. He smiled. "Thank you madame.. Although it could never be as beautiful as the real thing.." I blushed. Looking once again at the flowers.

We started to talk to each other. And as I kept returning to the garden I would always see him there like clockwork. He seemed very familiar with it. Although it wasn't til the third day I found out his name. And position. And realized that I had fallen in love.. With my fiancé.. Maybe my new life wouldn't be so bad after all.

Sorry this took so long. I was having a kinda blearghhfyuhnskc you know? but thanks for reading. And I HOPE YOU ENJOYED MY COOOOOOOOOLLLLLOOOOOORRRSSSSS


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 06, 2018 ⏰

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