Neko!Sorcerer!Pewds x Killer!Reader

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Thanks for the request @Levi_and_Sans_lover !!!!

P.S. sorry if this sucks

Also sorry if thats not your username anymore :///

Y/n's P.O.V.

"Hehe... Here I am... I'm gonna get you..." I jump out in front of my victim. "There you are!!" They squeal and run away laughing. Oh did I forget to mention they're my 3 year old niece? Oops. "Don't run away!!!"
"Y/n! Ni/n!! I'm home!!" And theres my sister. Yea I was just baby sitting. Heh gotcha (Dude the forth wall please) Yea anyways. "Oh no its the momma monster!!" My niece runs away laughing "oh no not da mumma munster!" I laugh as she runs off. "Alright I got be somewhere so I'll see ya tomorrow?" "Y/n you know what you do is wrong.." She says referring to my 'job'. "Yea I know.. but you gotta do what you gotta do right?" She stares at me. Its kinda surprising she trusts me with her kid considering my 'job'. Thats why she thinks I work at a meat grinder factory.. Oops? Yea shes a vegetarian so.. Anyways. "*sigh* I guess.. just go.. I'll see you tomorrow" I smile a bit. "See ya then sista!!"

I run out the door and grab my things. I go to the alley I always find my victims. The ones I murder I mean this time. But I see someone there already. In a box? Hm guess the first kill is just handed to me huh? Good for me not for them. I slowly sneak toward the box and lean down to try and see who's inside. I see neko ears and an odd blue shirt. The person has short blonde hair as well but thats really all I could make out with out being seen by the supposed neko person. Theres definitely something about them. Not sure what exactly but.. definitely something...

Pewds P.O.V.

I was just in a random alleyway cause I felt like being there. No I'm not homeless. I do well off on my own thank you very much. I just felt like being in an alley. And this box looked like fun. So I got in it... DON'T QUESTION ME! (DUDE THE FORTH WALL COMMON NOW) Anyways so I'm just sitting in my box when I swear I saw some brody peek into my box. Seriously can't I get a little privacy here? Please? I didn't see much but h/c hair move back around the corner.

Y/n's P.O.V (again)

I pull out my knife and get ready to attack. But then the person's head pops up. All I see are big blue eyes and cute little neko ears and messy blonde hair. I quickly put my knife away before they could see it. "Hey there" They say only showing they're eyes and up. "Um.. Hi" I say kinda nervously hoping he didn't see the knife. "Who are you?" He asks pretty calmly. So I guess he didn't see it?

"Um I'm Y/n.. who are you?" He moves up more to where he exposes the rest of his face. "I'm Felix!..Why were you sneaking around my box?" He asks squinting his eyes in a playful sort of way. "Wondering who was in the box?" I ask acting like I wasn't planning to kill him. "But why'd you do it all sneaky like?" He asks. I quickly come up with an excuse. "Well I didn't know who was in the box wasn't going to attack me?" He thinks about it for a second before nodding. "I guess that makes sense." "Yea anyways why are you in the box?" I ask genuinely curious. "Oh it seemed like a fun box so I played in it" He answers simply.

"Oh uh ok then. Do you have somewhere you live on your own?" I ask sitting down. He comes out of the box and sits next to me saying "I do actually. I just like boxes." He says as if it were obvious. (666 words) "Oh cool I guess?" I say. "Yea having your own place is pretty nice. Do you have your own place?" He asks curiously. "Um kinda?" "So no?" "Nope" "Then why don't you live with me?!?" He asks excitedly. "Uh because I don't know you all that well?" He looks down for a second. "Oh yea that could affect it huh?" I laugh slightly. "Yea a bit"

He thinks about it for a second and I take this chance to look him over. On the front of his shirt was a fist that looked kinda like it was trying to punch you in the face. He also had on blue jeans and a pair of blue converse. He also had a tail. My thoughts were interrupted by-"I know!! We walk to my house and get to know each other on the way!!!" I stared at for a second before I thought fuck it and went with him. We walked and talked and it was actually the most fun I've had in a while.

Thats odd.. I thought I had alot of fun killing people.. Anyways we make it to his house and its not a bad place. Actually it was about as good as my sisters place. So we both went in and he showed me around. "-And that concludes our tour." He said smiling proudly. I clapped then asked. "So where am I gonna sleep? I didn't see a guest bedroom??" He looked at the floor and then looked back up again as if something just clicked. "You'll sleep in my bed!!" I waved my hands in the air in protest. "No no you don't have to do that I can sleep on the cou-" "Then we can cuddle!!" I gave him a 'are you insane' look and said "Um no its fine I can slee-" "The bed is big enough for us to have a bit of space if you don't wanna cuddle.."

I stared at him and he looked so sad.. "Fine we can cuddle I guess.." "YAY!!!" He screamed and hug tackled me.



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