Ross x Insane Reader

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Thanks for the request @pepplestone !!

Ross's P.O.V.

I was in my kitchen making some pizza pockets when Max comes in. "Hey Max" I say staring at my pizza pockets as they cook into deliciousness. "Hey Ross....the fuck are you doing?" "I'm watching deliciousness be made..." he stared at me for a second before saying "So you're making pizza pockets?" I simply nod then the microwave beeps and I quickly open it and look upon the steamy deliciousness. "Ok then... I'm gonna make some corn dogs..." he says as he opens the freezer.

I take my deliciousness of a pizza pocket and go to my room. I sit down in front of my portal to another dimension aka my computer. I then realize that my animoo is on my TV so I turn to the TV and turn on meh favorite animoo. Then I slowly eat my pizza pocket. Savoring eat bite. When I finish it I wait til my episode of animoo is over to start recording a video cause why not? So I record some video and stuff. Uhh.....

~~~~~time skip of animooooo~~~~~

I finished recording and editing and stuff but then I felt like I was being watched. Hmm curious.... I decided to put headphones in and lean back in my chair.

Reader-chan P.O.V.

I waited for some weird guy eating a hot pocket and watching anime to put some headphones in his ears before I went inside the building. As soon as I got inside there was this brown haired guy screaming about butter and squids. I'm pretty sure he's mental. I mean if you walked into a building and the first guy you see is screaming about butter or 'budder' and squids cause apparently they're evil who'd be the first person you'd kill? Uhuh

Anyways I pull out my knife and immediately slit his throat. Oh so satisfyingly bloody. The others immediately panicked.... I love it. None of them are going anywhere though. I locked all the doors from the outside and the windows and covered in traps. I smile at my success. I wait for them to find the traps in the windows. Unfortunately none of them get caught in them. Too bad guess I'll have to kill them myself.

I have my psychotic grin on. It scares the shit out of them. Not that slitting their friend's throat didn't already do that. I laugh a bit and say "Why don't we play a little game of cat and mouse? hehe". They all looked at me in pure horror. Oh I love my job. I take slow steps toward them. "Better run little mice hehe before the big bad kitty gets you". They all scatter and I laugh getting ready to do the fun part.

I twirl my knife a bit as I look around for my little mice. I immediately see the foreign one. Barney was it? Especially since he's under a desk and is butt is poking out. "You're not very good at hiding.." I yank him out and stab him in the chest. "AHH". He screams and I love it. I laugh as his body drops to the ground.

I continue to look and I see a little Tim Tim. Aww he's trying to hide inside the closet. I swing the door open and he screams like a little girl. I laugh as I put the knife to his neck. "Looks like I found another one of my little mice. Hehe" I slowly slide the knife across his throat. The cut isn't deep enough to kill but deep enough for blood to come out. "How about we make him a blind mouse?" I smirk and stab him in the eye right after. He screams again and again I love it. Hehe. His body hits the floor.

I continued walking through the building and find the others except Max and Ross. I kill some slowly others quickly. And laugh at each ones suffering. Slow or fast. Physical or mental. It's perfect. I laughed and started to make my way upstairs. I hear some humming and head that way. I'm about to open the door when I hear "No!! Not my Ross Senpai!!! You'll have to kill me first!" I turn to him and smirk. "Gladly" I hear a quiet "Oh shit" from him before he runs.

I laugh and walk his way. I know the layout of the building. He's fixing to run into a dead end. He turns the corner and I continue my slow walk. I turn the corner just in time to see him turn around with a look of pure horror. I walk to the little mouse frozen in fear. I twirl my knife knowing he was done for. I thought I'd have a little fun. "Your Ross Senpai huh? So you're in love with him?" I ask slowly dragging the knife across his face. "W-what?-" "You might as well admit it since you're going to die anyways" I make a slow cut from the corner of his eye to his chin. "Fine yes I love Ross. He's a dumbass but he's an adorable dumbass..." I smirk. "Good to know...hehe..." I then stab him straight through the throat. I grin at my work.

~~~~~Meanwhile in Ross land~~~~~

Ross's P.O.V.

I was listening to some animoo theme songs and humming along to them cause animoo is amazing. I hear a bit of commotion outside but shrug it off as the guys being weird or Adam doing a vlog. I continued to listen to my music. Them I hear the door open and I turn around. It was the hottest person I had ever seen in my life. "whoa.." was all I could say. What do I say? They're like a real life animoo person!!! They smirk and I realize they're covered in blood. Too animoo. Too Animoo!! I stand up and end up tripping over my chair. "Ow!!" They smirk and start to crawl on top of me. Maybe not too animoo. "So you're Maxy's little crush huh?" I look at them confused. "Max had a crush on me? That's not what I expected....". They laughed and put the knife to my chest. "Well you'll be joining him soon.. see ya on the flip side!" They stab straight through my chest. "Babe~" They have this sick grin and laugh. I can't say anything else as I slowly slip into darkness.

Whoo!! Another chapter!! Yea I didn't have any good ideas for this so I let my mad side take over and here it is. It's longer then most chapters though so that's good I guess. Anyways I hope this isn't too insane for you. Hehe. Anywho thanks for reading and til next time see ya later my COLORS!!!!!!!!!!!


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