Mute!Sub x Mute!reader

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Thanks for the request @PikeechuGaming!

Y/n P.O.V

I was walking though the forest. (Again..) I do this cause no can ask me questions or bully me. I'm mute by the way. I heard there's a murder in here that was like me. I don't believe he's real. I just..some part of me feel if he was I wouldn't be alone..anyway...

I'm just walking through a different part of the forest I haven't been to before. It was so much more beautiful than the side I was always in. I put my bag that had my note book in it down and sat on the ground looking at the forest. I was so entranced by the beauty of it all I didn't notice someone coming near me. When I did I immediately panicked. I grabbed my bag and ran. I could hear footsteps behind me.

I was so panicked I didn't realize I was only running deeper into the woods. Ugh I'm so stupid. I kept running though. After a while guess what I tripped. I tried to get back up but someone already held me done. I looked up at him scared. He looked back insanely. He put a knife to my throat waiting. I opened my mouth to scream but nothing came out. He looked at me strangely.

I was waiting for him to either kill me or make fun of me. But he got off of me but still held the knife to my neck. He started looking through my bag. Mr . Murderer eventually found my book and opened it. Which was kinda hard with one hand. He got the book opened at some point. And read some of the things I wrote.

No leave me alone
Stop please
I'm not stupid!
It's not my fault

He put it down and removed the knife from my throat and hugged me. I was confused but hugged back. He pulled out a notebook of his own. He...he was the mute murder. He wrote.
You're mute aren't you?
I nodded.
Call me sub what's your name?
I wrote back.
You get bullied don't you? much that you run out here to be left alone?
I nodded again this time tearing up a bit. He hugged me and let cry for a bit. Before he showed me another note.
Stay with won't be alone and they won't be able to get to you..
I smiled and nodded. I wrote back.
Just let me get some things and I'll come back promise.
He smiled and nodded.

I ran to the side of the forest and sprinted to my house. I ran to my room and grabbed some important things like money, extra books and pencils, pencil sharpener, extra clothes, things like that. After I finished I ran to go back to the forest.i got to the edge but I ran into some bullies.

"Hey speechless! Where ya goin?" None of your business I wrote. They laughed and shoved me. I fell. I tried to stand again but I couldn't I was to weak from all the running. A note then fell while the jerks were busy laughing. Get into the forest. Far as you can. I'll deal with these things. I smiled at the note. I nodded and tried another time to stand this time I was successful. I ran as far into the forest as I could. I eventually found my things I had left behind. Oh thank god! I waited there for Sub. When he got back he had a bit of blood here and there but I could care less because in my eyes he was my hero...

And done. Thanks for reading hope you like it. Whoooooooooooooooooo and til next time see ya later my COLORS!!!!!!!


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