Fallen Angel reader x Insane Mitch

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Thanks for the request *random person runs up and whispers in my ear*...uhuh...uhuh...oh...ok uh...REQUESTED BY ANONYMOUS!!! YEA...

Y/n P.O.V

I...I can't believe it. I looked back one more time at the gates of heaven before walking down to earth. I'm...I'm a fallen angel now...I can't go back....this is what my parents warned me about....I walk through the portal that'll take me to earth for good. I appear in a forest the portal dissapears behind me. I look around. I seem to have appeared in a forest. "I guess this is my new home.." I hide my wings. Although I have them and can use them if I try to go back home they'll dissapear. Yea..I like my wings so I'll stay down here.

Anyways I'm walking through the forest. I'm looking for civilization so I can start a normal human life. I then hear a scream. I run towards it out of reflex. I normally take them to heaven or save them from being eaten by a soul eater. When I approach I see a man in a black and red checkered jacket. He was standing over a teen ,with orangeish red hair, holding a bloody knife. She was dead. I was too late. He looked at me. He watched as I stared at her. "Her name was joscelyn....she was a bitch to everyone anyways so no need to worry..."(if thats your name then change it to Selena)

I looked up at him. "What good reason is there to kill a fellow human being in cold blood?" He smirked. "Cause I felt like it..." I stared at him."I would make you pay....but that is no longer my place.." He seemed confused. "Are you delusional?.." I looked at him. "No...I was once an angel but...now I'm what humans call a 'fallen angel'...." He looked at me.."So you're delusional?.." I shook my head about to try and explain but decided against it. "No you wouldn't believe me no matter how many times I explained

"I turned around beginning to walk away. "I gotta go...I have to find a way to live a normal hu-" he tackled me mid sentence. "I'm afraid I can't let you go anywhere...you saw me murder someone...you'll have to be next..." He pulled his knife out. " You know...it's rude to just tackle someone while they're talking to you..." He seemed confused. "You know I'm tryingto kil-" "I do not care!! Murdering someone is no excuse to not have manners....damn..." He seemed really confused now. "I'm sorry?"

I shoved him off me. "Ugh now as I was saying before you so rudely interrupted I have to go attempt to have a normal human life..." He sat there dumb founded. I stood beginning to leave again. Before he yelled "How in hell do you have that kind of courage?.." I stopped turned around. "Because I have these" I said as my wings appeared. He stared at my wings seemingly unimpressed. "So you really are an angel?" "A fallen angel yes...and am I right to assume that you have met one before?" He nods and stands.

He walks over to me. "I've kicked more then ones ass too" He smirks as he slowly walks towards me. I simply stand there thinking of ways to get out of this without killing him. He was still coming towards me knife in hand ready to go. Once he got to me he was right in my face. I did what any normal person would do and kissed him.......

DUN DUN DUUUUUUUN!!!! WHAT WILL HAPPEN NEXT!?!? FIND OUT IN PART 2!!! Lolz I have waaaaaay to much fun with cliffhangers. Anyways thanks for reading hope you like it. Whoooooooooooooooooo and til next time see ya later my COLORS!!!!!!


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