Bodil666 x male!reader

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Thanks for the request @Kittercat1987!!

Y/n's P.O.V

Sup. I'm just hanging out with my guy friends. Yea...they decided to make me go out in the woods of the 'insane murderer'. Pft yea right. Who could be that sick in the head. Yea...i also have a gay crush on Derek. Shh don't tell him. Yea so I went no big deal. Derek (change it if thats your name...sorry I dont know if any dudes read this or not so...FRIENDSHIP!!!!) forced to come with and we're going to split up at the middle.

We're just walking and talking about how stupid this is when we get to the middle. "Alright this is where we split so...see ya dude!" "See ya!" He responds. Now that I'm alone I kinda feel. I don't know. Uneasy? Eh it's probably nothing. So I keep walking when I see blood. Wow the guys are really trying to scare us huh?....right?.... I follow the trail and it leads to a body. Ok...this is a really good prank.

I walk up to the body.....I nearly cry. It's one of the guys. (Haha you thought it was derek!!) But why was he all the way out here? Oh god. I don't think this is a prank anymore. I suddenly hear a scream. DEREK!! I run towards where the scream came from. When I get there it's to late. All I saw was a mutilated body and a barely breathing Derek. I burst into tears. I ran up to him.

"Nonononononononononononono!!" He looked up at me and said a few words. One phrase I should have done. The words that will be burned into my memory for the rest of my life. "Y/n...I love you...but run!" Then with his last dieing breath held my face with one hand before going limp. Dead. Gone forever. I'll never forget him. I just cried. No. He can't be gone. No please god why!

I didn't run...worst mistake of my life. I just held his limp dead body in my arms. He loved me too! He died saying that he loved me! Now he's gone dead! For good...and..I'll never see his beautiful blue eyes again. Or hear his amazing laugh.

I heard footsteps behind me. I turned around. It was a man covered in blood. I immediately knew. He was the one who killed Derek. I stood. "You..." I said. He just smirked. "Yes me.." "HOW COULD YOU!?" I screamed. "He was in the way and in MY forest. So I got rid of him as well as all your other friends. Now you're the only one left...hehe..I might keep you here just to play with.."

I glared at him. "...why? could you enjoy something like this?....something!!" He seemed taken aback at my statement before responding "because...." "because?...Just because!" That enraged me. I ran at him he smirked. And moved to the side at the right time so I ran right past him. Erg "HOW COULD YOU DO SOMETHING LIKE THIS JUST BECAUSE YOU'RE BORED!!!!!!" I screamed still crying.

He shrugged. "Well...I don't's that I don't feel loved..or I don't belong but whatever..." I stopped..."seriously getting sappy on me now?" "Well I could just kill you..but then you would be with your precious no..I think I'll keep you...just for fun...." I was confused. What did he mean? I just stared at him confused. He just sighed. "Alright fine I'm lonely ok? seemed like a nice dude we I'm about to kidnap you..." I processed this for a sec before responding. " So you got jealous?...."

Before you ask no there will not be a part 2 srry!!! Thanks for reading hope you like it. Whoooooooooooooooooo and til next time see ya later my COLORS!!!!!!!!!!!


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