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You just arrived at school. Ugh. You hated everyone.


Yeah. I'm not proud of it either. But hey, it's not my fault all of these kids in my grade are total bitches.

I have my mom. I don't need anybody else. We're super close.

She's a teen mom. She got Maddy when she was 15.

Her dad didn't want any kids though. He left immediately when my mom got prenant.

But then how am I here? My mom felt like Maddy needed a sibling. So, she got inseminated by an anonymous donor.

Basically, she got a stick with some sperm on it and put it up her cooter. Not my words.


I walk into my first period. Geography. Very boring. Until I notice someone.

Is that ashtray?! Aka the emo tennis ball.

I couldn't get a closer look, but when he came to sit next to me, I knew it was definitely him. 

"Aren't you part of my weed circle?" I say to him as he unpacks his bag.

"W- what?" He says, giving me a wink. Acting clueless. Smart move.

"Cant you take a joke, Jesus." I tell him, winking back.

I don't know why, but this winking is kind of my thing.

Geography ended up just being the corniest class ever, so unexpectedly, me and Ash hit it off.

No. Just kidding.

It was a little boring. Class was just more boring, so we kept chatting.

We talked about a bunch of stuff. Mostly about getting High and weed.

It was fun.

The reason I was surprised he was here in the first place was because he never attended school. He just decided to join in the middle of April.

He didn't have any friends and I didn't either.

So in the end, we did actually hit it off.

We had our first break so we decided to go up to the roof.

We used our schoolbags and sweaters as pillows, and laid on the rooftop.

We could easily access it, but it still felt kind of illegal to be up here.

Or maybe ashtray just used his lock-picking skills.

We talked for a good while.

Not about weed this time.

"So what do you like to do when you're not at school." I ask. It's his first day. I know. I'm so funny right.

"Besides smoking weed, I mostly just work at the store."

"And what do you work at at the store?" I proceed.

We're still both looking at the sky.

"I count cash, clean guns, shit like that."

"Sounds like fu-, oh shit. "

"What?" Ash asks.

"we're 7 minutes late to our third period."

"Oh shit, should we skip school?" He offers.

"On your first day? Hell no."

You grab ash and you both run downstairs when you're stopped by the principal.

"Miss Markle, hi, we're so sorry we're late to class it's just th-" I get cut off by her.

"Get back to class boy, I'll let this one slide." She tells ash.

"I need to talk to you in private. It's your mom." She tells me with a worried look on her face.

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