News, nicknames and sushi.

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I go to the kitchen to make me and ash breakfast. I'm thinking pasta.

Wait, you can walk?! Yes. I can walk.

Last night did me well.

Now my 'walking' is going slowly as fuck, but it's a start.

As I'm cooking, ash walks in the room.

"Hey boo" I say.

"What's for dinner"


"Nice."he says.

Orphans cook well.

Ash sits down on the couch and turns the tv on.

It was still on Cartoon Network but he switched to the news.

I'm walking with two pasta filled plates to the sofa when I hear the news lady.

"Four men have gone missing in LA, California. They have been missing for five days now." The lady said.

I sat down next to ash, listening closely.

The news then showed four pictures of the men I shot a week ago.

"Oh shit." I say.

What if they link those disappearances to us? Well go to jail.

"Don't worry, fez took care of it." Ash says.

"Ash, what did fez do with the bodies." I ask.

"He burned them."

"Really?!" I ask.

I just can't imagine a sweet guy like fez pouting gasoline on four dead men and then just light it up.

"Yeah. He said it was the safest option. Don't worry, they won't find out."

"I fucking hope not. Now eat up" I say a bit too aggressive.

"Don't need to get mad at me"

He was right.

"Sorry, I hope you enjoy it."

"Yes m'am" he said.

"M'am?! I hope you're talking to the tv lady.

"What nicknames do you like then?" He asked.

"I don't know. I guess babe is fine. But Quinn's is also jut fine on its own."

"Do you want any?" I ask him back.

"Ashy-bashy?" I joke.

"Call me that again and ill kick you out." He says.

"Call me m'am again and ill never cook again."



We finish our pasta and watch our new favourite show. 'You'. It's on Netflix.

I laid my head down in his lap and he has his hand in my hair.

It was greasy though. My hair.

Last timeI washed it was when I was in the shower five days ago.

Then three minutes later, I was almost dead. Oh well.

'I'm out here livin' tho" - Nicki Minaj.

The main guy in the show bashed someone's head in. With a hammer.

"I could do that better. I HAVE done that better." Ash said.

He wasn't lying though.

As me and ash are laughing on the couch, fez walks in.

"Ayo fez" ash starts.


"We was on the news bruh, or at least, the four dead guys were."

"i took care of it" he said.

"That's what ash said" I say.

"Ayo Quinn how you doin over there? How's your leg and shoulder and shit?" He asked me.

"Good. I can walk. Sorta."


Five episodes later, me and ash haven't moved an inch.

"You hungry?" I ask.

"Yeah, kinda." He says.

"How about I take you to that one sushi place I told you about."I say.

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