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One of my stitches ripped open.

Blood gushed out of my leg.

"Fuck fuck fuck!" I say.

"I'm bringing you to the hospital" ash says.

People around the mall start looking at us.

"What's wrong?" "Are you okay" "somebody call 911!" Is all I hear.

Ash picks me up carefully, yet quick and brings me to the car.

Ash gets on the drivers side, and hands me a tote bag from the car.

"Here, put pressure on it" he says.

"How do you know all this stuff?" I ask.

"I've rushed you to the hospital once already." He says.

We drive off to the hospital.

"Want me to put some jazz on? Would calm the mood." Ash asks me.

"Why the fuck not" I say.

I could use some relaxation.

I'm not in a lot of pain, I'm just mad and annoyed.

Im in need of a hospital AGAIN.

Can I catch a fucking break? In the past two months my mom died, my boyfriend killed someone, I got shot, I shot four men, I nearly died, and now I have to get my hole restitched.

I'm also not allowed to shower, so my stitches don't fall out.

Don't ask me why my man still sleeps next to me at night.

I stink.

And my legs feel like a cactus.


Here we are! The hospital! I can't wait.

Already feels like home.

Let's just hope I don't see rue here.

Ash parks the car in the middle of the fucking road, and carries me all the way to the ER.

"Her stitch broke" he says to the nearest person in uniform.

The lady puts me on a stretcher and rides me to an operation room.

"See ya later bitch" I say to ash, as he's being told to wait outside.

First aid kit. |ASHTRAY|Where stories live. Discover now