"I love you".

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"Sorry I spilled out secret." Ash says, laying next to me, shirtless.

It's okay. I mean, I nearly just got shot, and we were gonna tell fez sooner or later.

"It's fine." I say.

"Hey Quinn."


"I love you."  Ash says.

Well this was a little unexpected.

I mean, we're doing amazing and yes, I also love him, but I didn't expect him to say it first.

Or just say it in general.

He just doesn't seem like the type of guy to speak his love.

He is the type of guy to buy me a million dollar dress, and say: "here" to me, while handing me the dress.

I don't know.

Don't get me wrong though, I'm living for the fact that he said it.

So you know what, I'll say it back.

"I love you too. More, even." I say.

Just saying 'I love you back' is a little too simple for my beloved tennis ball with anger issues and a hammer kink.

Which reminded me, I still had a conversation to have.

Remember how I said I was bored as fuck at home? Yeah.

Like.... I just want shit to do. Anything, really.

"Hey ash." I say.


Let's just get this over with.

"I want to be more involved."

My anxiety is killing  me. We don't talk about serious stuff a lot.

Serious conversations are cringe in my opinion.

Unless I make them up in my head.

"What do you mean?"  He asks.

"Well, I'm bored. Very, bored. All I do is just play Roblox and clean and cook." I say.


I hope this landed sorta well.

"Don't get me wrong, I understand you need to be dealing drugs to pay rent, if you even do, but I'm literally at home all day.

Can't I just, count money and clean guns, that type of shit?"

He looks at me with a surprisingly sad face.

Say something ash. It's getting weird.

"I- I had no idea jou were feeling like this. I'm so sorry. Of course, I have enough stuff for you to do. He says.

"Thanks as-" I can't even finish my sentence, cause we hear gunshots.

We both look at each other scared, and ash tells me to shush.

He gets up from the bed.

"The fuck are you doing!?" I whisper.

He doesn't listen and grabs his gun from the back of the door.

"Wait here." He says.

He walks into the kitchen.

I'm so fucking scared.

What if there's someone in the house? Is fez okay? Did fez get shot?

Will ash get shot?

He literally just ole me he loved me. That would be too sad.

But ash enters the room again.

"What was that all about." I ask.

"Fez was testing if his gun was empty. For safety. Everything is okay. " Ash answers.

He sits next to me on the bed and hugs me.

"You okay?" He asks.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Just glad nothings wrong."

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