Bloody sushi.

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I have to change first though.b



"Can you like... help me change?"

"Uhh... sure."

I could tell he was nervous. It's cute.

He hasn't seen a whole lot of me.

Never got any further than underwear.

We slowly walk to the bedroom, and ash asks what I want to wear.

"Grab a hoodie, a shirt, and my shorts."

"Sure thing."

I awkwardly strip, and ash turns around.

"Should I go grab my 1's?" Ash says.

"Shut up." I say in a joking tone.

Ash helps me output on my clothes.

Then we head out.

We grab the car, of course.

I'm not gonna walk that shit end to the mall.

Once we're there, we face a challenge.

"Hey ash"


"How the fuck am I gonna walk all the way from the one side of the mall to the other?"

"Oh shit."


"I can carry you?" He says.

"It's a long walk babe."

"I'll try."

"As long as you don't drop me, I'm in."

"I could also throw you to the other side of the mall?" He jokes.

"No. Carry me bitch." I say.

Ash takes me out of the car like always, and carries me to the sushi restaurant.

Ash puts me down.

"Yo Quinn."


"It says closed."


I look closer and yes, the sushi shop was retired. Y'all know what retired means?

That somethings stopped and never comes back.

No more sushi. And no more nice lady I could let my heart out to.

"Due to financial problems, me and my husband are no longer able to keep the sushi shop open. We're sorry." The sign said.

Well fuck.

I don't necessarily know why... but I start to cry.

I tremble shins the door, and get on my knees and start to ball my eyes out.

"Hey hey hey what's wrong?"

"I.. it was m..m ..." I struggle.

I cry hard and heavy btw.

"It's okay, let it out."

"It was my favourite place. I loved it there." I say, and I hugged ash.

Suddenly, there blood on ash's vest.

"Ash why is there blood on you.."

"Quinn... Quinn you're bleeding!"

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