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I know, I know. I can't keep killing people.

But that's the thing. If I hadn't killed who i killed, 5 people would have died already. Including me.

I don't feel good about it though. Which is obvious, but in the movies everyone always seems to move on so quickly when someone dies.

But that's a lie. It's a lot tougher than you think.

After I've calmed myself down a little, I move to ash.

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah, you?"

"I'm fine" I lie.

"Good, that's good" ash says, out of breath.

Jesus. I forgot the people on the other side of the road.

The party.

Gia, rue, Jules, and probably even more friends of mine were outside.

Everyone looks at us.

Calls are being made. Probably to 911.

Rue looks at me with a shocked face, but then, the last person I want to see me right now, shows up.


"What the fuck is going on? I heard shots..?" She says, walking out of the house.

She looks me straight in the eye.

"Quin?" She stumbles.

"Ash.... what do we do" I ask him.

He doesn't answer.


"What?... I'm sorry.. uhhh"

"What the fuck do we do?"

We're both all over the place.

"Follow me" fez says.

Without a doubt me and ash run after fez, who's going towards the store.

A while later, we arrive.

"Ash, get this open and start the car" fez says, dropping him at the garage, where the old van is parked.he whispers some shit into his ear.

"Where are we going?" I ask fez.

"Just a little further, nothing crazy"

I don't wanna leave. Even with all the shit that's going on. I want to stay here. Everything I own is in this place. Leaving would be a crime.

"I don't want to go" I tell him, but he says I have to get into the van.


I knock on his drivers window.

"Get in!" He tells me.

I walk around the front of the van and sit down in the passengers seat.

"Do you know where the fuck we're going?" I ask him. He must know, since he's the one driving.


Sacramento. Holy shit. That's far away.

People take flights from here to Sacramento.

I'm talking a three-day trip.

Ash puts his hand on my shoulder, then my head and pulls me close.

"It's all gonna be okay" he tells me.

I start to shiver and cry. My eyes are wide open. I feel so overwhelmed it's like I'm being crushed by a truck.

Panic attack.

I have to get out of here.

I open the door.

"Where are you going?" He asks me.

"Im soh...I'm sorry" I say out of breath, while getting out.

I need to get home. Now.

I run through the back door of the shop, past the register, through the aisles to the front door, but get taken out in the candy section.

I hit the back of my head on the tiles, but manage to see a face.

I don't recognize it.

I get up slowly and open my eyes. My ears are ringing and the lights are bright.

I find eight more men with guns standing over me.

"We heard about your little fight. How many of us have you killed?" The biggest one says.

"Get them all."

First aid kit. |ASHTRAY|Where stories live. Discover now