Rum without the coke.

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"Hop in" ash says.

And so I do.

Ash wants to drive, ofc. I sit next to him and poor fez goes in the back.

"Don't get too wasted" fez says.

"I will, but thanks" I answer.

"I'll make sure she don't go nowhere." Ash adds.

Jazz is not a party vibe, more like a classy ass restaurant, so we blast 90's rap songs.

Those hit DIFFERENT late at night.

Ash parked the car very clumsy on the fucking yard, and we go inside.

On the lawn are just a bunch of people smoking weed and throwing up. Good sign.

Just as we're about to walk inside,  ash stops me.

"If anything happens, call me. What's your battery at?" He asks.

"87 percent." I reply.

"Good." Ash says as he pushes the door open.

Music blasted in my face, which almost blew me back out the fucking house again.

I saw Jules, she looked amazing.

"Imma check out Jules, go have fun" I say and I give ash a kiss.

I walk up to Jules.

"Hey gal"

"Oh hey!"

"You look so good holy shit bitch" I say.

"You know there are plenty of mirrors for you to look into here, right?" She says.

"Oh stop" I say laughing.

"Hey, have you seen rue?" She asks me.

"Nope. Just got here." I say.

"Also, I don't have a drink yet, and I want something to hold, otherwise it's awkward."

"I get it. That's the address" Jules says, pointing at a table in the center of the living room filled to the brim with alcohol.

I meet ash while grabbing a drink.

"Red wine?" Ash asks me.

I grab a red cup, and fill it half way with rum.

"Rum?" Ash says.

"Rum-coke, dumbass."

"I'm gonna grab a Diet Coke from the fridge and smoke weed with you after. Sounds good?" I also ask.

"Oh I'm following" ash says, and I grab his hand and drag him with me. It's cute.

Also, it's funny how nobody realises we're 4 years younger than everyone here.

"Your ass looks great in that dress." Ash says.

"Yours does too" I say, opening the fridge.

Nate is being a total weirdo in the kitchen, screaming and shit. His shirt is off too. He looks wasted as fuck.

I nearly climb in the fridge, trying to find a fucking can of coke, when Nate accidentally knocked over my cup filled with rum.

Rum stains btw. Like red fucking wine.

"What the f- "

"Yo what the fuck dude?" I hear ash say.

Uh oh.

I get up and look over at Nate and ash.

"The fuck you gonna do, nine-year old" Nate says.

People have already gathered around the kitchen supporting either Nate or ash.

People are cheering for a fight.

Ash pulls out a fucking gun.

I wish I was joking.

"Ash you brought a fucking- ash put that down!" I say, since ash now has his pistol pointed at Nate's fucking forehead.

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