Tears and death.

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Miss Markle has sat me down in her office. "Should I be worried?" I ask.

She hands me a cell phone.

I could only think of the worst case scenario. Someone died.

Maddy? No. Nate is a crazy person and yes, he has choked maddy before, but he wouldn't kill her.

Maybe my dad was found. No. School wouldn't be invested in that. Yeah someone's definitely dead.

"Hello, is this Quinn Perez?" A nice man asks. Why the fuck was he talking to me in a baby voice.

I hate those people. Make me mad as fuck.

"Yes this is her."

"I have unfortunate news."

I swear to god I can feel my heart pounding in my throat.

"Your mom passed away in a car accident this morning."

I drop the phone.

It takes me a good 5 seconds to show any emotion. When I do, I start crying a river. Usually it takes a good while of crying before it starts to hurt. This was different.

I felt it crawl up to my brain almost immediately, giving me a headache so bad that I just start screaming. It wasn't a cry scream though.

It was a scared scream. Like the scream you make when you get chased by a killer in a horror movie and realise there's no way out of the haunted house.

Except now nobody was acting.

I don't even pick up the phone. I run down the empty walls. People look at me. I'm not looking where I'm going and I trip.

I skin my knee very badly, but I don't feel it. I'm already in enough pain.

I somehow make it to my moms car.

I just cry there. Still in pain.

-Ashtrays pov-
I was late to my class. It was boring anyway so I just looked out the window.

I saw Quinn hysterically running towards her car.

She was bleeding.

Yeah something had to be extremely wrong.

I raise my hand.

"Sir, I need to go to the bathroom"

"Be quick." He answers.

Teachers don't like me here. I wonder why.

More like why not.

I run towards the parking lot. Istg I've never ran so fast in my entire life.

I was really worried. She was bleeding but I could see she wasn't crying about that.

I arrive at her car.

She's still crying. I don't like that.

I knock I on the other door. She looks at me.

"What's wrong?" I ask, but I don't know If she can hear me. She just cries more.

She signals she wants me to enter her car, so I do that.

"What's going on?"

What's going on. Why the fuck would I say that.

"M- m-m- my mom I-." I can hear her struggling.

"It's okay. I'm here" I say. I don't care that I don't know her that well. She's a good girl, so Imma be there for her. That's just how I'm wired.

She calms down a little.

"My mom just died."

I wasn't close with her but since she was at the store and our house a lot, I knew her family tree a little. At least, I knew she didn't have a dad. And now, she's also motherless.

I don't know what to tell her. But I don't think it matters. What would she expect me to say in this situation. As long as it's caring, I think I'm good. I don't want to hurt anyones feelings.

"W-wh, I'm so sorry." I stumble.

I want to beat myself up rn.

-Quinns pov-
Im crying too loud, so loud that I don't even hear ash banging on the other window.

How the fuck does he know I'm here.

Im going through too much right now. I need a distraction. That's the reason I let ash in.

He sits down next to me. I see him trying so hard to come up with something that won't hurt my feelings, I feel bad.

Normally I would just say something first, but I couldn't help but cry.

"What's going on" he stumbles. Hmm. I would t have picked that one, but he's trying. He's not too social, plus, who would know what to say in a situation like this.

I can't get a word out of my mouth so I just try to keep it simple.

"My mom just died." I feel bad for ash. He must be in a shitty position too right now.

"I'm so sorry" ash says.

I was expecting something like "oh my bad" but he replied with emotion. I feel touched.

I don't though. Right now, I just feel numb to everything.

Not everyone though.

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