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"You ready?" Ash asks me.

"Ready for what?" I ask.

Girl tf is he talking about.

"To go out to the living room." He says.

Oh nvm lol.

"Yup" I say.

We walk out, no lipgloss on our faces this time.

I hope fez won't look at us and know we made out 15 minutes ago.

We look around the corner, and fez is watching 'stand by me' with Lexi for the 3.152.616th time.

I'll let them have fun.

My girl Lexi didn't do nothing wrong.

I think they match well actually.


"Hi fez" I say.

"Sup Quinn"
"What are y'all watching?"
"Stand by me"

These kids will be the death of me.

"Want a coke?" Ash asks.

I kinda already forgot we had the entire 'we didn't just almost fuck' act on.

"Yeah, thanks" I answer in my most neutral tone.

"Yo ash." Fez yells, in his very much stoned voice, don't get me wrong, so no ears were damaged.

"Huh" he 'replies', coming back from the kitchen.

He flashes me a little wink.

I swear to god this kid is childish.

"We got to go do the deal bruh" fez says.

"Ohhh. I almost forgot." Ash says.

Ash hands me my coke, and gives me a little kiss on the lips.

The woman was too stunned to speak.

I quickly scan the room, but no one seems to have noticed this flaw in our masterplan.

Fez hugs Lexi goodbye. No kiss?! Damn. The hug looked nice though.

Fez and my baba grill head out to their deal.

I sit next to Lexi.

"So you and fez, huh?" I say, looking at lex.

"Me and fez? What about us?" She says.

Bitch I know damn well stand by me is a boring ass old ass movie that you don't even wanna watch but you do wanna hang with you baby boo fez.

"Oh come on." I say, keeping it polite.

"Uhh fine. Yeah I'm into him." She says.


"I knew it."


"No, but I suspected it."

Lexi gets called.

" oh shit I'm sorry Quinn but I gotta go."

"It's fine, see ya."

It's fine. Really. If ya gotta go, then go.

I see Lexi getting on her bike, and I walk to ash's room.

I grab a hoodie, and hop on the bed. The bed that I'll be sleeping in tonight.

I open my iPad and watch both IT one and IT chapter two.

Short chapter but whatever.

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