Suhsi shopping.

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It's been about three days.

Me and ash are still a secret, except for rue and Maddy.

I had to tell Maddy for obvious reasons, and rue is my bestie.

I nearly fainted after watching IT chapter two last night, so I barely slept.

What we do again when we are tired? Make two gallons of iced coffee.

I brought all my coffee shit. Maddy didn't want it. Again, she uses concealer, I use coffee.

I sip my iced coffee, but I'm still hungry.

So I grab my key set fez gave me, to lock the 17 locks they put on the front door, and my sunglasses.

There's just something about the biker-shorts, hoodie and sunglasses look.

What do I want to eat? Hmm.

I mean, it's 11 am, but I could always go for some sushi.

I walk all the way to the mall, and sit down at my favourite sushi place.

As I'm sitting there, alone, because again, it was literally 11 am, I realise something.

I am so bored. Ash is always out the house doing some drug deal, and I'm just at home cleaning and watching SpongeBob.

Like I enjoy falling asleep next to him, but I see him an average 6 hours a day.

Which reminded me, I have to go shopping for new hoodies.

I finish my sushi, and pay the sushi lady.

"Are you okay?" She asks me as I'm pulling cash out of my bra.

I mean it's kind but why would she ask me that...

Do I look not okay? Shit.

"Yeah im fine, thanks" I tell her.

"It's just, you look, different." She says.

I come here probably 6 times a month, so she knows me a little.

Why do I come here so often? It's literally the best place ever.

She's 73, her husband 78. They live close to the mall, and everyday, they both walk to the restaurant, and make fresh sushi.

Some days, no one even enters the sushi place. It's sad.

The sushi? Amazing. Like the best ever. They've been making it for i while I suppose.

Because my dad was in jail, me and Maddy inherited a ton of money from my mom.

So, I tip her $500.

"W- what? Why? I-" she stumbles.

"Please just take it. You deserve it more than I do." I say.

Then it hit me. 

I haven't even told her about my mom. 

But I still don't, because I'm scared that she'll refuse the money.

She walks through the little register gate, and hugs me.

I hug her back.

I leave the sushi restaurant nearly crying, buy three new hoodies, one saying "NYU", and go home.

I don't feel like shopping anymore.

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